Category Archives: Bible study

Christian Apologetics, More Conversations: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? Part 1

This week we are continuing our roadmap in Christian Apologetics, with more conversations. The is part one of a series within our class on the topic of the Bible. We will be looking at questions such as: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God; how did we get the Bible; and… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Colossians: Chapter 3

“Answers for a study in the book of Colossians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, More Conversations: Are Miracles Possible?

This week’s presentation is a bridge from providing evidence for God’s existence to the question: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? If we have given adequate evidence for God’s existence, then it is reasonable to believe that miracles are possible. If miracles are possible, then it should be easy to… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Colossians: Chapter 2

“Answers for a study in the book of Colossians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, More Conversations: The Problem of Evil, Part 3

This week we are concluding, with the third of a three part series, the “Problem of Evil” as a conversation topic for Christian Apologetics. We will look at nine basic reasons most people struggle with understanding evil, including the fact that most people do not having a proper perspective of eternity. We will also touch… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Colossians: Hermeneutics and Chapter 1

“Answers for a study in the book of Colossians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, More Conversations: The Problem of Evil, Part 2

We are continuing our look at the question: If God exists then why is there evil? This is the second of three presentations, and this week we will look at several factors in identifying sources of evil. Understanding these factors will help Christians answer those who ask from both a Biblical and philosophical perspective. We… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Philippians: Chapter 4

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Philippians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, More Conversations: The Problem of Evil

This week we are looking at the question: If God exists then why is there evil? This is arguably the number one accusation leveled against Christianity and the existence of God. However, when one takes a close look at the problem of evil, it is only the Christian worldview that has not only an answer… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Philippians: Chapter 3

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Philippians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading