Christian Apologetics, More Conversations: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? Part 7 Scientifically Authentic

This week’s presentation looks at the first “S” for Science from our acronym MAPS-S. Even though the Bible is not a book of science, when it speaks of things we have just come to know today, it is never incoherent or mythological. The Bible is always authentic in its scientific illustrations. The Bible gave accurate scientific and medical facts thousands of years before their discoveries. The evidence for creation versus evolution for the origin of life; the evidence of a worldwide flood; and the cosmological and teleological arguments all support the God of the Bible and the truths of Scripture.

Watch this week’s presentation on this topic:

Overview Notes from The Presentation

Christian Apologetics: More Conversations

How do we know the Bible is the Word of God?  Part 7

Scientific Authenticity


The acronym MAPS-S give us a snapshot of the evidence for the inspiration, inerrancy and reliability of the Bible.

M = Manuscript evidence

A = Archeological evidence

P = Evidence from Prophecy fulfillment

S = Evidence based on Scientific authenticity

S = Evidence from Saved Lives over the centuries

The Bible’s Scientific Authenticity

  • Even though the Bible is not a book of science, when it speaks of things we have just come to know today, it is never incoherent or mythological
  • The Bible always authentic in its scientific illustrations
  • The Bible gave accurate scientific and medical facts thousands of years before their discoveries
  • The evidence for creation versus evolution for the origin of life; the evidence of a worldwide flood; and the cosmological and teleological arguments all support the God of the Bible and the truths of Scripture

For example…

  • Anatomy truths: God knit us together in our mother’s womb.  (Psalm 139:13)
    • In contrast, the Muslim Quran and Charles Darwin both say we begin as a clot. However, we know today the detail and intricacy involved in the formation and structure of the cell and the development of the embryo and the skeletal system, all based on the instructions coded in our DNA.
  • Astronomy truths: The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. (Psalm 19:1) …as countless as the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore… (Jeremiah 33:22)
    • In 150 BC scientists proclaimed that they had counted all of the stars and numbered them at 1,056; but with the invention of the telescope, we now know there are, indeed, too many to be counted.
  • Geological truths: He (God) suspends the earth over nothing.  (Job 26:7)
    • In contrast the Quran says the mountains stabilize the earth. The Hindu Vedas say that the earth rests on the back of an elephant that stood on the back of a turtle in an endless cosmic sea of milk. The early Greeks believed that Atlas carried the earth on his back.
  • Medical truths: For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised… (Genesis 17:12)
    • This is now known to be the best day to avoid infection and is the only day in which the blood-clotting factor is at its highest level.
    • God directed circumcision to be done on the 8th day after the birth of the baby and today we know that this is the only day that vitamin K and Prothrombin are at their highest levels and therefore would be the safest day in which to perform this procedure.
  • Health truths: Bacteria and virus avoidance is found in early Hebrew practices given by God in the Law concerning sanitation and eating regulations—See Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
    • We know today that the regulations for eating, cleansing, and contamination avoidance that was given in God’s Law has been justified in modern times with the discovery of the microscopic world.
  • Nutrition and Dietary truths: God directed the best way for humans to eat as seen in all of the food regulations given in the Mosaic Law, as well as in the Garden of Eden and after the Flood, See Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and reference the story of Daniel and his friends in chapter one of the book of Daniel.
    • Today’s modern medicine recommends this “Mediterranean” style of eating, and is continuously proven to be the best form of nutritional health.
  • Laws of Nature truths: Genesis 1:1 shows how God laid it all out in the very first verse of Scripture: In the beginning (time); God (force); created (energy); the heavens (space); and the earth (matter).
    • Herbert Spencer, who died in 1903, was famous for applying scientific discoveries to philosophy. He listed five knowable categories in the natural sciences: time, force, energy (or motion), space and matter – all found in this first verse of the Bible!

A few other examples, of many, include:

  1. The earth is a sphere, and the heavens stretch out (Isaiah 40:22)
  2. Free float of earth in space (Job 26:7)
  3. Creation made of invisible elements (Hebrews 11:3)
  4. Each star is different (1 Corinthians 15:41)
  5. Light moves (Job 38:19-20)
  6. Air has weight (Job 28:25)
  7. Winds blow in cyclones and there is a water cycle (Ecclesiastes 1:6-7)
  8. Blood is the source of life and health (Leviticus 17:11)
  9. Ocean floor contains deep valleys and mountains (2 Samuel 22:16; Jonah 2:6)
  10. Oceans contain currents and springs (Psalm 8:8; Job 38:16)

In addition, the existence of God and the Creation account of Genesis are supported by…

  • the Cosmological Argument (evidence found in the creation of the universe such as its fine tuning and the “Big Bang”)
  • the Teleological Argument (evidence of design in nature and in our own bodies such as the DNA information code).

Going Deeper

“Ten of the Top Scientific Facts in the Bible,” by Ray Comfort

“The Case for A Creator,” Full Documentary, by Lee Strobel


If you only had one minute for each question, to the best of your ability, give a quick answer in your own words, (note – these are building from the presentation notes each week):

  1. What are the four important areas for Christian growth?
  2. What are the twelve points that will help you tell the Bible’s Big Picture?
  3. What are the two most important questions you can ask when someone makes a claim about Christianity, or a belief that they hold to be true that is in conflict with the Christian Worldview?
  4. What is the Moral Law argument for the existence of God? Give an example.
  5. How is evil defined from a Christian Worldview? Give an example.
  6. What are the three factors in identifying sources of evil?
  7. What three characteristics does Satan possess that he wants to bring out in us?
  8. What does it mean for a Christian to have a proper perspective of eternity?
  9. What is a miracle, and how is it different from natural occurrences?
  10. What does the acronym MAPS-S stand for, and how does it help us confirm the Bible’s reliability?
  11. There are seven lines of evidence for the “M” in MAP-S. What are they?
  12. What does the “A” stand for? Give a few examples from the Old Testament.
  13. What is the significance of New Testament archeology? Give a few examples from the New Testament
  14. What does the “P” stand for, and why is it important?
  15. Give a few examples from “general prophecy” and a few examples from “Messianic Prophecy.”
  16. What does the “S” stand for, why is it important, and what are one or two examples where the Bible makes scientifically authentic statements?

Bible Study

Note: Basic answers will be posted mid-week for your review, and to make a leader’s guide for future studies!

Always remember to pray before you study and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you into the truth found in God’s Word – pray for protection from the evil one who will try to discourage, distract and deceive us when we commit to growing closer to the LORD.

Note: Questions are taken directly from the chapters, and answers should be found and cited from the Scripture text in order to be Biblically accurate (unless asked to summarize in your own words). Study Bibles, commentaries and your own thoughts can be used for Discussion or Going Deeper questions. If you use these kinds of sources share them with your group.

1.  Review of Class Topic:

With your table group, discuss today’s presentation by summarizing what you learned, commenting or asking any questions.

Read 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18 with your group then, to the best of your ability, answer the following questions:

2.  As we continue to grow in our walk with the LORD, like the Thessalonians, Paul says we should desire sanctification. Research the meaning of the word “sanctification” and what it means to be “sanctified” as it relates to our faith in Christ Jesus.

3.  What were the things that Paul said they should abstain from, and what should they focus on doing, to be worthy of God’s will in sanctification (4:3-11)? Besides sanctification, why is this important (4:12)?

4.  In verses 4:13-18, Paul is writing to tell the Thessalonians about the hope they should have in Jesus. Summarize what Paul says, and why it would be important for them, and us, to understand.

5.  Memory verses: Recite – Acts 17:11 (having Biblical discernment and truth); 1 Peter 3:15 (the call to give an answer for our faith – Christian Apologetics); Acts 17:30-31 (through the work of Jesus, a call to repentance and eternal life vs. judgment); and add 1 Thessalonians 4:14 (the hope of the Resurrection)

Join us next week as we continue our study in Christian Apologetics with more conversations on the topic of the Bible!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

Click into the resource page of this website to view many of the top Christian thinkers and apologists along with some of their work; connecting to these types of resources is essential in your Christian growth.

Please let me know what you think: Give feedback, ask questions or send concerns in the comment section of the blog.

Teri Dugan

1 Peter 3:15

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