Category Archives: Genesis

A Case for Christianity: Resources for Genesis Apologetics – Creation Today interviews on the question of the age of the Earth and methods of dating

This week we are continuing to highlight some work from our recommended sources on Genesis, specifically on the Genesis creation account. The prominent view in secular academia today is that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. What does the evidence say? Eric Hovind, from the Creation Today Show, interviews experts on a weekly basis on various topics related to the creation, flood, fall, science and others topics. I have embedded two interviews that will give you an idea of how creation scientists look at the same evidence that secular academics do, and how the Biblical interpretation gives a more reasonable answer to those research questions.

From the “Creation Today Show” introduction:

“How old is planet earth? Does it even matter? Do we trust or doubt the Bible based on the answer? In 1795, James Hutton claimed the earth was much older than people thought. His book “Theory of the Earth”, was used by Charles Lyell in 1830 to justify the layers of the earth representing eons of time instead of a global flood. It was the influence of Lyell’s book that resulted in Charles Darwin publishing “On the Origin of Species” in 1859 which formally introduced the theory of evolution to the scientific community. All along the way, the church has been pushed to compromise Scripture with interpretations of science. So, who’s right? Is the earth young or old? Join Dr. Terry Mortenson and Eric Hovind to discover the true journey of this fascinating debate that has now spanned more than 2 centuries. The implications are ASTOUNDING!”

Watch Eric Hovind’s interview with Dr. Terry Mortenson on this topic:

The second video goes on to address the question of carbon dating that is often used as an argument against a younger age of the earth. This is an important area to understand, including how it is used and interpreted to determine the dating of specific things, but it has its limits and problems as do the other types of dating methods often used for this purpose.

From the “Creation Today Show” interview on this topic:

“Carbon Dating proves the earth is old… right? This one phrase has been repeated so many times that it is now locked into the minds of (what seems like) everyone on the planet! “Carbon Dating proves the earth is old.” Many in the church have decided the Bible got the age of the earth wrong and have reinterpreted Genesis because of this little phrase! Indeed, if Carbon Dating proved an Old Earth, it would be a problem for Young Earth Creationists! So why are we still Young Earth Creationists?”

Watch Eric Hovind’s interview with Dr. Brian Thomas on this topic:

Review and Reflection

Discuss the video presentations with your group, and go over any questions you might have on the topic. Use to help answer additional questions you might have. This website has thousands of articles referencing many experts in these various fields of science who will help show that the truth is out there when it comes to the facts of God’s creation versus the deception of evolutionary theory for the origin of life.


For those of you following along with our class presentations and Bible study, we have just finished our survey of Genesis and will be starting a new class in a couple of weeks. To get ahead, begin reading through the book of Exodus and do a little background research before starting by doing #1, 2 and 3 from our Bible Study Survey Format below. We will cover answers to those categories when we start our new class which will also include an apologetics presentation each week.

Survey of the Bible – Format

Old Testament



1. Author: Who wrote the book and when? (Include anything you can find about the author and when it was written)
2. Audience: Who was it written to? (Include anything you can find about the people, the culture or societal norms, of that time period)
3. Purpose: Why was it written? (Include anything you can find about their circumstances and what was, or had been, going on)
4. Content: What is in each chapter? (Include chapter by chapter titles and a short summary – no more than 3-5 sentences – Keep in mind #5 and #6 and mark a chapter accordingly)
5. Going Deeper: What are the major Covenants found in this book? (Include new ones or ones that relate back to Genesis and mark (C); you can also include any major events here)
6. Finding Jesus: Where is Jesus? (Include any appearances (JA), foreshadows (JF) or prophecies (JP)?
7. Application: How can this book and its teachings apply to us today? (Answers will vary, but can include personal, cultural or timeless teachings for us today)
8. The Shelf: What questions or comments do you have about this book? (Answers will vary, but can include things you didn’t understand or things you want to learn more about)

(Include resources used, or that can be used for further study as a separate list to share)

Join us next week as we continue our “Case for…” Studies!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

Click into the resource page of this website to view many of the top Christian thinkers and apologists along with some of their work; connecting to these types of resources is essential in your Christian growth.

Please let me know what you think: Give feedback, ask questions or send concerns in the comment section of the blog.

Teri Dugan

1 Peter 3:15


A Case for Christianity: Resource for Genesis Apologetics – Genesis Impact

Over the next few sessions I’d like to highlight some work from our recommended sources on Genesis, specifically the Genesis creation account. The prominent view in secular academia today is that humans have evolved from lower life forms and specifically from “ape-like” creatures considered to be forerunners of homo-sapiens. The fossil record, in reality, does… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible, The Bible Fast Forward: Session Seven – A Survey of Genesis, Where are the Covenants and Where is Jesus?

In this week’s class presentation we are finishing the survey format for the book of Genesis with some “going deeper” questions about the Covenants, and questions about Jesus in Genesis. In this class we are working on ways that will encourage students to study the Bible on their own, and gain insight by reading and… Continue Reading

A Review of our “Case for Genesis” Class Session 2, Part 2: Science in the Bible; the Importance of the Big Picture and Hermeneutics

Until we begin our Fall class, in just a few weeks, we will continue to review our “Case for Genesis” Class from last Fall that I believe will help reinforce your confidence in the Word of God overall! This week’s class is the second part of Session 2 where we looked at the authenticity of… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Genesis: Chapters 39-42

“Answers for a study in the book of Genesis” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Genesis: Chapters 37-38, An Introduction to Joseph and Judah

“Answers for a study in the book of Genesis” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: Class Introduction

This week we are starting a new class that will pick up where we left off in the last class. The goal is to set a full table of information that includes not only the Bible study, but Apologetics as well. If you have been following you know that each week has a video presentation,… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: The importance of having a Biblical foundation for your faith

Last week we finished one of our “case for” classes on the Old Testament, and in two weeks we will pick up with a new class called “A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues…”. This week I wanted to present a new short film from “Genesis Apologetics” on the importance of having a… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 4, Part 2 – Christianity and Islam – Historical and Theological Differences

Last week we began session four with a look at Religious Pluralism and the fact that all religions, or faiths, cannot all have paths to God and Heaven, as is put forth by this view. This is because they are all foundationally, fundamentally and salvationally different on all of the most important views such as… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 4, Part 1 – Religious Pluralism

Over the last few weeks we answered some important apologetics’ questions from Genesis concerning human origin, purpose and destiny. As a focus of this class, we are emphasizing the truths of Scripture, and the Christian faith, by looking at the evidence. In this session we will look at the age old question: Are they many… Continue Reading