Christian Apologetics, More Conversations: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? Part 8 Evidence from Saved Lives

We have been laying out a pretty substantial case that helps answer the question: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? This question has been answered in multiples from areas of evidence that include the manuscript trail, archeological support, fulfilled prophecy and scientific authenticity. This evidence helps confirm the Bible’s reliability in transmission, translation, canonicity and historicity. If we can confirm its accuracy in all these areas, which I think we’ve done, then we can have full confidence that the Bible is truly the Word of God.

You can still be skeptical of the Bible after finishing this study, but in light of the avalanche of evidence you have to pause and ask yourself: Could it be true? Could God have made sure that His Word was passed down accurately to us over time? If there is at least a 50-50 chance based on the evidence you’ve seen here that the Bible has been reliably transmitted you owe it to yourself to consider the possibility that it really is the Word of God.

If all of the evidence presented over the course of the last several months has not convinced you, then take a look at the people who have had their lives changed for the better because of the Bible’s teachings. If the Gospel narrative is true, (that Jesus was the entire reason for the events in the Old Testament, and that He died in our place to cover all of our sins), then this is of eternal importance. If not true then it is of no importance, but the thing it cannot be is mildly important. If you can at least say ‘maybe it is true’ then ask God sincerely from your heart for help, and He will!

Watch this week’s presentation on this topic:

Overview notes from the presentation

Christian Apologetics, More Conversations

How do we know the Bible is the Word of God?

MAPS-S: (The Last S)

Saved Lives

Over the centuries millions (possibly billions) of people have given their lives to Jesus and therefore are assured of salvation. Their stories and changed lives, along with your own story, cannot be denied. Jesus’ command to go and make disciples is for every follower of Christ.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  -Matthew 28:19-20

How are you letting God work through you to reach others using your story? For many people, the only Bible they will ever read, and the only Jesus they will ever know, is the one they see in you!

If you are not comfortable sharing your story, or you think your story is not impactful (but it probably is), use examples of others like former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi, or former atheists C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell, Lee Strobel, or J. Warner Wallace to name a few. Share how their stories, or someone else, have helped your growth in the LORD!

J. Warner Wallace, Cold-Case Homicide Detective and former atheist turned Christian Apologist says: “There is so much evidence for the reliability of the Bible that it is like death by 1000 paper cuts,” and this is exactly the type of evidence he has used in prosecuting and winning cold-cases in the span of his career.

If the Bible was on trial for truth, like in a court of law, compelling evidence could be laid out as follows:

Physical Evidence:
  • Consistent internal evidence of a cohesive historical document written during a span of at least 1500 years of time, with 40 different authors from various walks of life, yet a singular mega-theme runs through all of the 66 individual books
  • Confirmation by both Christian and non-Christian scholars as a reliable and valid historical document of antiquity
  • Deemed a literary masterpiece by both Christian and non-Christian scholars
  • Supported by Jewish history that was well established centuries before the time of Jesus
  • Strict Scribal copying rules (4000+) over the centuries that contributes to the accuracy of transmission
  • Massive amounts of early manuscripts and fragments in the original languages available for comparison (over 25,000 and growing)
  • Strong archeological support from over 25,000 finds confirming Biblical accounts, none ever discounting any Biblical record
  • Confirmed prophecy in Old Testament times and hundreds of fulfilled messianic prophecies in Jesus
  • Authenticity when it speaks about the things of science
Eyewitness accounts:
  • Multiple eyewitness testimony reported in primary sources both inside and outside the Bible for its historical accuracy
  • Non-Christian testimony from historians and hostile witnesses that support the Biblical record
  • Millions (maybe billions) of changed lives that evidence saved lives over the centuries recorded in personal testimonies and experiences with Jesus through the Word of God

The Verdict: The Case for the reliability and authenticity of the Bible has been made well beyond a reasonable doubt!!!

To help you remember the landslide of evidence use this memory tool:

A Tool: MAPS-S

M=Manuscripts: Over 25,000 (and growing) early New Testament manuscripts with 5800 (and growing) in the original Greek language and the scholarly field of textual criticism finding 99.5% agreement within them indicating a match to the autograph, and with early lectionaries and quotations from the first through the third century A.D. leaders – we can assert 100% accuracy.

Remember: Bibles today, like NASB, NIV or KJV, have only been translated once from the original language.

A=Archeology: Over 25,000 (and growing) archeology finds that have confirmed Biblical accounts. None have been found that disprove any historical account in the Bible.

P=Prophecy: 300 (plus) specific and incidental prophecies from the Old Testament that were fulfilled in the life and times of Jesus Christ.

If even 8 of these prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus it would be equivalent to 1 chance in 10 to the 17th power or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000!

None of the Old Testament prophecies have been disproven and many are still to come.

S=Science: The Bible makes no claims that are considered scientific absurdities and has amazing scientific authenticity in the areas of cosmology, biochemistry, medicine, health, nutrition, geology, and the Laws of Nature vs. other so-called Holy Books.

The Creation account in Genesis is also supported by the evidence found in the “Cosmological and Teleological Arguments.”

S=Saved Lives: Millions of saved lives are seen through the centuries evidenced by changed lives confessed by the saving work of Jesus’ death and resurrection—individual stories like yours cannot be disputed.


If we can trust that the Bible is the Word of God, then everything it says about Jesus, and He says about Himself, can also be trusted. Let no one tell you that there is no evidence for the reliability, historicity and inspiration of the Bible, because in a court of law, the Bible would be guilty on all accounts, beyond a reasonable doubt!


If you only had one minute for each question, to the best of your ability, give a quick answer in your own words, (note – these are building from the presentation notes each week – focus mainly on #10 through #20)

  1. What are the four important areas for Christian growth?
  2. What are the twelve points that will help you tell the Bible’s Big Picture?
  3. What are the two most important questions you can ask when someone makes a claim about Christianity, or a belief that they hold to be true that is in conflict with the Christian Worldview?
  4. What is the Moral Law argument for the existence of God? Give an example.
  5. How is evil defined from a Christian Worldview? Give an example.
  6. What are the three factors in identifying sources of evil?
  7. What three characteristics does Satan possess that he wants to bring out in us?
  8. What does it mean for a Christian to have a proper perspective of eternity?
  9. What is a miracle, and how is it different from natural occurrences?
  10. What does the acronym MAPS-S stand for, and how does it help us confirm the Bible’s reliability?
  11. There are seven lines of evidence for the “M” in MAP-S. What are they?
  12. What does the “A” stand for? Give a few examples from the Old Testament.
  13. What is the significance of New Testament archeology? Give a few examples from the New Testament
  14. What does the “P” stand for, and why is it important?
  15. Give a few examples from “general prophecy” and a few examples from “Messianic Prophecy.”
  16. What does the “S” stand for, why is it important, and what are one or two examples where the Bible makes scientifically authentic statements?
  17. What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution, and why is it important to know?
  18. Pick one or two of the twelve issues that evolutionists cannot answer and write it out to help with your apologetics on this topic.
  19. What does the final “S” in our acronym MAPS-S stand for, and why is it important?
  20. Write out your own testimony and challenge yourself to share it with someone.

Bible Study

Note: Basic answers will be posted mid-week for your review, and to make a leader’s guide for future studies!

Always remember to pray before you study and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you into the truth found in God’s Word – pray for protection from the evil one who will try to discourage, distract and deceive us when we commit to growing closer to the LORD.

Note: Questions are taken directly from the chapters, and answers should be found and cited from the Scripture text in order to be Biblically accurate (unless asked to summarize in your own words). Study Bibles, commentaries and your own thoughts can be used for Discussion or Going Deeper questions. If you use these kinds of sources share them with your group.

1.  Review of Class Topic:

With your group, discuss today’s presentation by summarizing what you learned, commenting or asking any questions.

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 with your group then, to the best of your ability, answer the following questions:

2.  What seemed to have shaken up the Thessalonians that had to be addressed in this chapter (2:1-2)?

3.  What things must come first before the return of the Lord (2:3-7)? What does Paul say about the “lawless one” and what he will do (2:8-12)?

4.  Discuss: Why do you think people will follow the “lawless one”?

5.  What should sanctified believers be doing for themselves and for each other (2:13-17)?

6.  Discuss: What questions or comments do you have concerning the second coming of Jesus? What other books of the Bible might help you in that type of study?

7.  Memory verses: Recite – 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 (the importance of specific prayer); 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (comfort and hope through God’s grace).

Join us next week as we continue our study in Christian Apologetics with more conversations!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

Click into the resource page of this website to view many of the top Christian thinkers and apologists along with some of their work; connecting to these types of resources is essential in your Christian growth.

Please let me know what you think: Give feedback, ask questions or send concerns in the comment section of the blog.

Teri Dugan

1 Peter 3:15

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