Category Archives: Truth

Case-Making 101: Religious Pluralism – Can That Be True?

Pluralism: Truth vs. tolerance Less than a hundred years ago the majority of Americans would never have argued about the truth claims of Christianity and its guiding compass of morality in our nation. But today, with a presidential proclamation that we are no longer a Christian nation, we find ourselves left with the politically correct… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Truth vs. Relativism, does it matter in your worldview?

 “Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.”   -Winston Churchill There are so many great resources on the topic of truth vs. relativism. For this post I am using insights from three great Apologists, and I highly recommend going to their… Continue Reading

Can truth about God be known?

Part 3: Truth in religion This blog is part of a series. You can start the series by going back to the September 1, 2014 Introduction called A Case for Christianity: Why do we need one?  There are three basic perspectives, or worldviews on God and life. All people will fall into one of these… Continue Reading