Do all religions and faiths, despite their different paths, lead to ultimate truth?

Part 2: Truth in religion
This blog is part of a series. You can start the series by going back in the archives to the September 1, 2014 Introduction called A Case for Christianity: Why do we need one?

In America, truth in religion is considered an oxymoron. There is no truth in religion we are told. It’s all a matter of taste or opinion. Easy going Americans are more apt to believe that no religion is the truth.
– Frank Turek, Author of the best selling book “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be An Atheist”

From our previous blog we found that you can establish truth because:
Truth is that which corresponds to reality.
• Truth can be determined using the universal, self-evident laws of logic.
• Truths can be discovered with the use of observation, induction and deduction.
• The laws of nature, mathematics and science all make and have universal and undeniable truth claims that are not relative.
• Agnosticism or skepticism becomes a self-defeating belief by making the truth claim that “truth claims cannot be made.”

If truth can be known then is it possible all religions, despite their different paths, lead to ultimate truth about the important questions of life such as: where did we come from, why are we here and where are we going?

Truth vs. tolerance:
o If your answer is yes, this is known as religious pluralism, which promotes tolerance of all religious beliefs as if they are all equally true.
o If your answer is no, then you are probably characterized as intolerant, yet with the use of reason and logic we find that…
• Religious beliefs are contradictory—they teach opposite ideas
• Mutually exclusive beliefs cannot be true at the same time
• Different religions do not agree on the most fundamental questions about God and life

For example:

Christians, Jews, Muslims—God created
Eastern Religions—We are a part of god/all is god/the world is an illusion
Secularist, Humanists, Atheists—Undirected evolution and chance

Christians, Jews, Muslims—Doing God’s will
Eastern Religions—Karma/Nirvana/Good works
Secularist, Humanists, Atheists—Self-fulfillment/trying to be a good person/create a utopian earth where all cultures are tolerant and understanding of each other

Christians, Jews, Muslims—Heaven/Hell
Eastern Religions—Reincarnation/Brahman/Nirvana
Secularists, Humanists, Atheists—Nothingness/No one knows

So if there is such diversity in thought, who’s right? Logically speaking they can all be wrong but they cannot all be right. So the job of every thoughtful person is to examine the evidence and follow it wherever it leads because truth is not invented it is discovered.

Therefore, truth in religion is of immediate and eternal significance. Ideas have consequences. Apathy and ignorance can be fatal.

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Proverbs 1:7 (NLT)

Buy truth, and do not sell it, Get wisdom and instruction and understanding.
Proverbs 23:23 (NASB)

Let me know what you think:
Is it important to find out which religion holds the best answers (truth) about the most important questions in life? Do any of them have the truth?

Join us next time for Part 3: Can truth about God be known?

Teri Dugan
Always be ready to give an answer for the hope that you have in Christ Jesus as Lord.
1 Peter 3:15

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