Category Archives:

Case-Making 101: Religious Pluralism – Can That Be True?

Pluralism: Truth vs. tolerance Less than a hundred years ago the majority of Americans would never have argued about the truth claims of Christianity and its guiding compass of morality in our nation. But today, with a presidential proclamation that we are no longer a Christian nation, we find ourselves left with the politically correct… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Truth vs. Relativism, does it matter in your worldview?

 “Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened.”   -Winston Churchill There are so many great resources on the topic of truth vs. relativism. For this post I am using insights from three great Apologists, and I highly recommend going to their… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Why is there a need to make a case for Christianity?

 Why is there a need to make a case? We find ourselves in a “post-Christian,” and some would argue “anti-Christian,” western culture today, and the fact that more and more young people are identify their religion as “none” is alarming. Major research groups are now reporting that “nones” have taken over as the third largest… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Part 5 of 5, Honoring A Few of the Experts in Christian Apologetics

Of all the notable experts out there in Christian Apologetics Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. J.P. Moreland, and Dr. Clay Jones would have to fall at the top of the list. I was fortunate enough to have had the privilege of studying under these guys during my time in Biola University’s Christian Apologetics Graduate Program.… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Part 4, Honoring A Few of the Experts in Christian Apologetics

Over the past few weeks I have been hi-lighting some of the experts in the field of Christian Apologetics and I know that I can not possibly cover all of the people doing this kind of needed work for the LORD. However, I want to make sure that I include the ones that have greatly… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Part 3, Honoring A Few of the Experts in Christian Apologetics

There are so many great Christian Apologists who have taken on the battle, both spiritually and culturally, to present the evidential truth of Christianity to a world that is so often deceived. This week I am spotlighting three more top Apologists: Dr. Norman Geisler, Lee Strobel and Mary Jo Sharp who have, over their careers,… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Part 2, Honoring A Few of the Experts in Christian Apologetics

This week I am again spotlighting some of the most influential Christian Apologists of our time and those who have highly influenced me in the search for truth: 1. One of my personal favorites, Nancy Pearcey, has been instrumental in solidifying my confidence that Christianity is factually true (and not just a personal preference or… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Honoring A Few of the Experts in Christian Apologetics – Part 1

Over the next few posts I will be showcasing some of the top Christian Apologists who are making a difference worldwide in defense of the Gospel. Of course C.S. Lewis would be one of the all time greats and one of my favorites but I couldn’t find any YouTube videos of him speaking (imagine that)!… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: What are those other “gospels” and why aren’t they in the Bible?

Have you ever heard someone talk about the missing books of the Bible? There have been numerous documentaries and some movies based on these “missing” books, but do they have any credibility? Let’s take a look at the reasons for rejecting them as part of the Christian Bible: There are two basic categories: The Apocrypha… Continue Reading