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A Case for Christ and The New Testament: Why we cannot unhitch the Old Testament from the New Testament

As we continue our case for Christ and the New Testament it is important to know that we are setting a full plate with this series. We are focusing on three different areas: Making a case for Christ (apologetics); Overviewing the New Testament in preparation to study in-depth (hermeneutics); and studying the Gospel of John… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: What is Discipleship and Why is It Important?

This week we are finishing up the introductory part of this new series. Over the past few weeks we have been looking at three of the four important areas we encourage everyone to focus on for Christians growth: Prayer (modeling Jesus); Hermeneutics (studying the Bible in context); and Apologetics (giving a defense for our faith).… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Do Statistics Support the Need for Christian Apologetics?

“The problem of leading a Christian life in a non-Christian society is now very present to us…. And as for the Christian who is not conscious of his dilemma—and he is in the majority—he is becoming more and more de-Christianized by all sorts of unconscious pressure: paganism holds all the most valuable advertising space.”  … Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Why do we need to train ourselves, and the next generation, in Christian Apologetics?

Why is there a need for Christian Apologetics? Today we find ourselves in a post-Christian culture here in America (and some would argue an anti-Christian culture). More and more young people have begun to identify their religion as None, and for the first time in history atheists constitute the largest religious group in America. According… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and A Study of the New Testament: The importance of studying the Bible in context

Last week we started a new series by reviewing our ministry statement and by looking at the importance of prayer in the life of a believer in Jesus. In addition to the regular practice of prayer should be our regular practice of learning God’s Word. Here are some guidelines that will help you as you… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and A Study of the New Testament: The Importance of Prayer

This week we are beginning a new apologetics’ study by making A Case for Christ and the New Testament. Before beginning our study it is important to review the ministry statement of this website and class: Truth, Faith and Reason: Ministry Statement The purpose of this ministry is to provide participants with the information and… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament and the New Testament: Prophecy Fulfillment Part II

We learned last week that anyone can claim to have prophetic abilities, but those who do fall short when it comes to accuracy in their predictions and specific details of the fulfillments. This is not the case with prophets in the Bible. The difference we find in the prophecies of the Bible is that they… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament and the New Testament: Prophecy Fulfillment Part I

This week and next we are segueing into our next series by making a connection between the Old and New Testaments based on prophecy and its fulfillment. The evidence in this category is so overwhelming that even ardent atheists have been swayed. Nothing is more profound than Biblical prophecy and its fulfillment! There are many… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: The books of the Old Testament are historically reliable! Now what?

As we near the close of our “Case for the Old Testament” series it is important to walk away with the understanding that the 39 books of the Christian Old Testament are not only historically reliable with verifiable facts but these books are inspired by God. The connection between the books themselves is undeniable (which… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Do numbers in the Bible have meaning?

I have never been great at math, nor has it ever been a favored subject, but as I have gotten older I have gained an appreciation for it. Scholars agree (including atheists and skeptics of the Bible) that mathematical calculations are universal and have helped to reveal some of the marvels of science that they… Continue Reading