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A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding objective truth, versus preference, when practicing Christian apologetics

Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” John 18:37-38 You get the impression there was a sarcastic tone in PiIate’s… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Importance of Understanding Truth When Practicing Christian Apologetics

No one cares about being fair and honest. The people’s lawsuits are based on lies. So there is no justice among us, and we know nothing about right living. We look for light but only find darkness. We look for bright skies but walk in gloom. Our courts oppose the righteous, and justice is nowhere… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Importance of Understanding the Culture of Our Day When Practicing Apologetics

Tim, a high school biology teacher, was asked by one of his students about evolutionary theory that teaches living things have evolved over time, versus God creating everything as we see it. The student wanted to know if God used evolution. Tim hesitated, after all this was a public high school and he could get… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Importance of Knowing Our Country’s Foundation When Practicing Apologetics

A New Nation and Religious Freedom A United States Senator, at a highly publicized confirmation hearing, made this rather heated comment about a colleague who had publically professed his Christian faith and belief in its core tenants: “I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that this nominee is really not someone who this country is supposed… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Importance of Historical Knowledge in Apologetics

Is it important for everyday Christians to study Apologetics, including Christian history? A Pastor of a popular local Church was asked by some of the members for a Christian Apologetics’ class. The response was pretty shocking. The Pastor told them that such a class was not needed because defending the faith and interpreting the Bible… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Importance of Understanding Christianity’s Roots When Practicing Christian Apologetics

Over the next several posts we will take a quick tour of some important events and turning points in Christian history that can help us understand why we need to be trained in Christian Apologetics more than ever. As Christians we should be able to identify error when skeptics, and others, attack the Christian worldview… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Importance of Discipleship in Practicing Christian Apologetics

In practicing Christian Apologetics we often forget the goal of our endeavor, and our goal should always be to bring people to Jesus. How do we accomplish this? By learning discipleship skills. Discipleship is a tough commitment in our fast paced, independent and self-sufficient world. Many of us believe that we can take care of… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Importance of Practicing Hermeneutics in Christian Apologetics

READING—STUDYING—MEDITATING Know the difference Reading: Get the big picture (the story) by reading the Bible in large chunks—an individual book or a complete storyline within a book—just like any good novel. Studying: Get a study Bible and some tools like a Bible dictionary or concordance, and then use the hermeneutic method (see principal #2 below). Meditating: Pick… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of studying the Bible when practicing Apologetics

Why Study the Bible? My experience in practicing Christian Apologetics has shown that most people today, even Christians, do not understand what the Bible actually teaches and this has resulted in an epidemic of Biblical illiteracy. Is there an epidemic of Biblical Illiteracy in our culture today? On an episode of “Cash Cab” (a TV… Continue Reading