Category Archives:

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapters 24-26

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session 10 – The Exaltation Fallout

This presentation concludes the study of our “Person of Interest” with a look at the exaltation fallout that includes the fact that all of the other religions and faith systems acknowledge Jesus in some way or another, by merging, modifying or mentioning him in their teachings! This Jesus influence is embedded in other faiths, and… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 23

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study a weekend or two before, and the answers appear… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Nine – The Exploration Fallout

This presentation examines evidence from the “Exploration Fallout” which translates to science, and is surprisingly one of several impact areas that Jesus has had over the last 2000 years. Looking at the history of science in the common era, we find the greatest influence comes from Jesus followers! The passion to understand how God shaped… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 22

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study a weekend or two before, and the answers appear… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Eight – The Education Fallout

This presentation examines evidence from the “Education Fallout” which is one of several impact areas that Jesus and His followers have had over the last 2000 years. Looking at the history of education in the common era, we find the greatest influence comes from Jesus followers! The passion to share the teachings of Scripture and… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 21

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week.… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Seven – The Imagination Fallout

This presentation examines the evidence from the “Imagination Fallout” which is one of several impact areas that Jesus and His followers have had over the last 2000 years. This fallout includes Architecture, Art and Music in every century and every genre that was founded or influenced by Jesus followers. Giving glory to God and telling… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 20

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week.… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Six – The Dissemination Fallout, Part Two

In this presentation we are introducing evidence from the second half of the series known as the “Fallout” and there are several lines of evidence in the fallout pointing to our person of interest. This week we are looking at the “Dissemination Fallout” Part Two, and it includes the impact that our person of interest… Continue Reading