Category Archives: Bible study

A Case for Christianity, Session Two, Part 2: The Moral Law Argument for the Existence of God

In this week’s class we are focusing on making a case for Christianity with the Moral Law Argument. We have been presenting evidence for the truth claims of Christianity over our last eight session class and we are continuing to do so through this one. If the evidence is compelling enough to make the “beyond… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Session Two, Part 1: Beyond A Reasonable Doubt – How Does Christianity Fare In A Court Of Law?

In this week’s class we are focusing on making a case for Christianity by taking a look at how it would fare in a court of law. J. Warner Wallace makes a compelling argument for the reliability of Christianity from the standpoint of criminal law. As jurors, and when judging a case, we are to… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Review of Session 1: Class Introduction and the importance of Christian Apologetics

This week we are focusing on the importance of Christian Apologetics, as we begin to make our case for Christianity. I want to encourage everyone to watch Bobby Conway and Frank Turek discuss the topic of Christian Apologetics and how, in practical ways, it can shape your faith and witness to others. Bobby Conway’s “One… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity – New Class Introduction

This week we are starting a new summer class, “A Case for Christianity” that continues the theme of Christian Apologetics with an emphasis on how to share your faith with others including answering tough questions asked of Christians in our culture today. We will also continue a Bible survey as part of our individual Bible… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Evolution versus God Uncensored

This week we are viewing another video that will help in making our case for Christianity. In academia today, especially the field of science, it is easy to see why a “Divine Footprint” is not allowed in the door, even if the evidence points in that direction. Ray Comfort, and the people from Living Waters… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Spring Class Session 5: Human Origins – Creation or Evolution?

We are concluding our Spring class this week with a video from Genesis Apologetics called “Genesis Impact.” This video presents a dramatization of a cordial debate between a student and Natural History Museum Curator on the topic of human evolution verse creation by intelligent design. I think you’ll enjoy the things you learn, because they… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 4, Part Three – How Do We Know God Exists?

This week’s class will focus on presentations by J. Warner Wallace on the topic of God’s existence. Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the evidence for God’s existence with several tactical ways to answer that question. In this series of presentations Wallace shows us the need to look at the evidence… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 4, Part Two – How Do We Know God Exists?

This week we will again look at the third of several questions that will be covered in this class: Q3 How do we know God Exists? We will cover some additional tactical answers for that question, in addition to the ones we covered last week. For the second half of class each week we will… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 4 – How Do We Know God Exists?

This week we will look at the third of several questions that will be covered in this class: Q3 How do we know God Exists? For each question we will offer several answers for you to ponder. For the second half of class each week we will continue our Bible study practice in the book… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 3, Part Two – Why do Christians think they have the truth, (why is Jesus the only way to God and eternal life)?

THE IMPORTANCE OF TRUTH IN OUR WORLDVIEW Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What… Continue Reading