Category Archives: Bible study

A Case for Christianity: The Problem with Evolutionary Theory, and Genesis Chapter three

We are re-posting classes from our “Case for Genesis” series while we are at the same time studying Genesis in our Church Masterclass. This week’s class presentation looks at the problems with the teachings of evolutionary theory as a means for the origin of all complex life. We will look at the evidence from a… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Genesis: Chapter Two

“Answers for a study in the book of Genesis” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The Creation Account – Genesis Chapters One and Two

Since we are currently doing a church-wide Masterclass study on the book of Genesis, I am running a repeat of our “Case for Genesis” Class for those who want to go deeper on specific topics. This week’s presentation is on the days of creation and the various views held by both Christians and n2018 A… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: Basic Answers for Genesis Chapter One

“Answers for a study in the book of Genesis” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: An Introduction to God and Genesis Chapter One

This week’s presentation is on the topic of God and getting to know who He is. Our class has now begun to read and study the book of Genesis, and it is important first and foremost to see how God’s supreme character and love for His creation comes through from the very beginning. A good… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Session Four: The Question of Identity, Part 2

I This week’s class is part 2 of the session we started last week on the “Question of Identity” that is so magnified in our culture today. As Christians, it is more important than ever to know what we believe, and why we believe it, and then apply that to who we are on a… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Session Three: The Problem of Evil, Part 3 – A Case for Faith vs. Doubt

A Case for Faith vs. Doubt. Charles Templeton vs. Billy Graham—Why the difference? In this week’s class we take a look at two very different outcomes for two people who’s faith journey included doubts along the way. The way they handled this doubt, especially when dealing with the problem of evil, gives us some hope… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Session Three: The Problem of Evil, Part 2

In this week’s class we are continuing our examination of the problem of evil from a Christian worldview. We will be looking at three main factors for the existence of evil, and nine main reasons people tend to struggle with understanding the concept of the existence of evil. Every worldview has to deal with this… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Session Three: The Problem of Evil

This week we continue our case for Christianity by dissecting the problem of evil. This is the biggest question asked of Christians today, and one often levied against the existence of God, so Christians must think deeply about it. This is the storyline of Christianity and this question, along with its answer, actually supports the… Continue Reading