Category Archives: Bible study

A Case for the Old Testament, Joseph to Moses: Joseph in Egypt, Genesis Chapters 39-42

In this week’s class presentation we are covering the answers for the questions to Genesis chapters 39-42 and Joseph’s seemingly hopeless plight in Egypt. For Joseph, things go from bad to worse as he is falsely accused of rape and thrown into jail. As part of the apologetics for this time period, events and major… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Genesis: Chapters 39-42

“Answers for a study in the book of Genesis” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, Joseph to Moses: Summer Class, Session 2, Hermeneutics for the Torah

This week’s class presentation is on the hermeneutics of the Torah. Hermeneutics is a Greek word for interpretation, and applying proper methodology to reading in order to understand the context. Using this simple method will help us to not take things in the Bible out of context, which is often what happens in secular culture… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, Joseph to Moses: Summer Class Introduction

This week we are doing an introduction to our new summer class that includes important reasons why all Christians are called to study the Bible, know what they believe, why they believe it, and then teach it to others! We will go over our ministry statement, and will practice reviewing some important things about the… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Religious Pluralism, Conclusion

In this week’s class we are concluding our topic of Religious Pluralism and reviewing our study in the book of Genesis, chapters 37-38 by looking at an introduction to Joseph and Judah. We will then take a few weeks off before beginning a summer class that will continue our study in Christian Apologetics, making a… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Genesis: Chapters 37-38, An Introduction to Joseph and Judah

“Answers for a study in the book of Genesis” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Religious Pluralism, Part 5 – Why Jesus?

In this week’s class, we are continuing with our topic of Religious Pluralism by asking the question: Why Jesus? In our past several classes we have looked at the topic of Religious Pluralism, and why it is a harmful view to the foundational truths of Christianity. If all paths lead to God and Heaven, then… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Genesis: Chapters 33-36, The Twelve Sons of Israel

“Answers for a study in the book of Genesis” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Religious Pluralism, Part 4b – Suspicious similarities between Islam and Mormonism

In this week’s class, we are continuing with our topic of Religious Pluralism, focusing on some suspicious similarities between Islam and Mormonism. In an effort to show reasons why the Christian worldview and the Bible in particular are unique from other faiths, religions and philosophies, we are highlighting the major beliefs and historical backgrounds that… Continue Reading