Category Archives: A Case for the Bible

Case-Making 101: A Case for the Eyewitnesses of Jesus

I often hear skeptics and atheists say things like, “the Bible is the same as all the other ‘holy books’ that tell mythological stories.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Upon close examination one will find that the Bible is mainly written as an historical narrative by eyewitnesses, or are documentations of eyewitness accounts,… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Science and saved lives – how the Bible speaks authentically

In making our “Case for Christ” we are looking at evidence for the reliability, historicity and inerrancy of the New Testament. Using the acronym MAPS-S our case can be made based on five categories of Biblical evidence: From the last two posts: 1. Manuscript evidence includes over 25,000 early New Testament documents with which textual critics can… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: How Prophecy Fulfillment Confirms Jesus

In making our “Case for Christ” we are currently looking at evidence for the reliability, historicity and inerrancy of the New Testament. Using the acronym MAPS-S our case can be made based on five categories of Biblical evidence: From last week: 1. Manuscript evidence includes over 24,000 early New Testament documents with which textual critics can compare,… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Does the New Testament give us historically reliable information about Jesus?

One of the most important things to understand about the Bible is that the Old and New Testaments are inseparably linked. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed, the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. The books of the New Testament are the only ones that connect to the stories, teachings, covenants and… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Bible study, How do I begin?

Food For Thought: Food for our physical bodies vs. food for our spiritual bodies—are there similarities? We feed our bodies daily, in fact studies suggest that eating six small meals a day might be the healthiest way to maintain blood sugar levels and proper weight. If we compare that to the way we feed our… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: How does Archeology support the Bible?

How does Archeology relate to the Bible? Archeology is a relatively new science that did not take root until the nineteenth century A.D., prior to that time archeology was mainly done by grave robbers! I was amazed to learn how these relatively new discoveries from archeological digs in the Middle East are consistently supporting Biblical… Continue Reading