Category Archives: A Case for the Bible

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the cumulative case, including the testimony of saved lives, when practicing Christian Apologetics

We have been laying out a “Case for the Bible” over the past few months and the evidence collection has been based on a question that many have posed: How do we know the Bible is reliable? This question also covers concern over transmission, translation and canonicity. If we can confirm its accuracy in all… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the Bible’s scientific authenticity, as it relates to Creation, when practicing Christian Apologetics

Last week we looked at how the Bible is scientifically authentic even though it is not intended to be a book of science. If the Bible is authentic when it speaks of things like germ avoidance, ocean seascapes and currents, and even the best day to perform a procedure like circumcision, then one might think… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the Bible’s scientific authenticity when practicing Christian Apologetics

Over the past few months we have been looking at the evidence for the reliability, historicity and inspiration of the Bible. We have seen an abundance of evidence, so much so that Christian Apologist J. Warner Wallace says, “there is so much evidence for the the reliability of the Bible that it is like death… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding prophecy fulfillment when practicing Christian Apologetics

We have been laying out a “Case for the Bible” over the past few months and the evidence collection has been based on a question that many have posed: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? You can be skeptical of the Bible, as I once was, but at some point,… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding Biblical prophecy when practicing Christian Apologetics

  This week we continue our “Case for the Bible” with evidence of fulfilled Prophecy. In addition to the abundance of evidence we have covered in the Manuscript and Archeology categories, the evidence in this category is so overwhelming that even ardent atheists have been swayed. Nothing is more profound than Biblical prophecy and its fulfillment! There are… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding New Testament Archeological evidence when practicing Christian Apologetics

  Last week we looked at evidence for the reliability of the Old Testament through archeological discoveries. To date there have been over 25,000 finds that support the Biblical record, and no valid archeological find has ever disproven a Biblical account. Archeology is important in Biblical studies because it uncovers physical evidence from dig sites… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding Old Testament Archeological evidence when practicing Christian Apologetics

How does Archeology relate to the Bible? We have been using the acronym MAPS-S in making our “case for the Bible” (M=Manuscript evidence, A=Archeological evidence, P=Evidence from Prophecy fulfillment, S=Science authenticity, and -S=Evidence from Saved Lives over the centuries). Last week we concluded the M for Manuscript evidence which took weeks to cover and we… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding variants in textual criticism when practicing Christian Apologetics

When you hear about variants in the Bible does it make you doubt the reliability of Scripture? It shouldn’t if we understand how variants are counted and what scholars have found through the study of ancient Biblical manuscripts. Simply put, the more manuscripts you have the better chance you have in ascertaining the original, and… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding textual criticism when practicing Christian Apologetics

Textual Criticism Over the past several weeks we have been looking at the mounds of evidence for the reliability and historicity of the Bible from various angles: Eyewitness testimony, extra-Biblical corroboration, translation methods, original languages, transmission over time, etc.  All this put together gives us confidence that what we have in the content of Scripture… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding how hostile witnesses actually give support to the Biblical record when practicing Christian Apologetics

Hostile Witness Accounts Last week we looked at the importance of eyewitness testimony and the fact that the Bible is written mainly by primary witnesses, or by those that interviewed them. Another powerful testimony to the reliability of the Bible comes from outside sources. These sources are non-Christian, and in many cases were hostile to… Continue Reading