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A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 4, Part Three – How Do We Know God Exists?

This week’s class will focus on presentations by J. Warner Wallace on the topic of God’s existence. Over the past few weeks we have been looking at the evidence for God’s existence with several tactical ways to answer that question. In this series of presentations Wallace shows us the need to look at the evidence… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 4, Part Two – How Do We Know God Exists?

This week we will again look at the third of several questions that will be covered in this class: Q3 How do we know God Exists? We will cover some additional tactical answers for that question, in addition to the ones we covered last week. For the second half of class each week we will… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 4 – How Do We Know God Exists?

This week we will look at the third of several questions that will be covered in this class: Q3 How do we know God Exists? For each question we will offer several answers for you to ponder. For the second half of class each week we will continue our Bible study practice in the book… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 3, Part Two – Why do Christians think they have the truth, (why is Jesus the only way to God and eternal life)?

THE IMPORTANCE OF TRUTH IN OUR WORLDVIEW Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 3 – Why do Christians think they have the truth, (why is Jesus the only way to God and eternal life)?

This week we will look at the second of several questions that will be covered in this class: Q2 Why do Christians think they have the truth, (why is Jesus the only way to God and eternal life)? For each question we will offer several answers for you to ponder. For the second half of… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 2 – Why Are You A Christian? The Importance of A Christian Worldview

This week’s class will focus on a seven step method for asking or answering tough questions often asked of Christians in today’s culture. We will also look at the first of several questions we will cover in this class: Q1 Why are you a Christian? And we will offer several answers for you to ponder.… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 1 – The Importance of Apologetics and Hermeneutics

Welcome to our new class: A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths! This class will focus on the importance of Christian Apologetics, and major questions asked of Christians today, along with Bible study skill practice using a survey format that follows the principles of hermeneutics. This week’s class will be introductory as we will look at… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: The Importance of Apologetics Training for All Christians

Before we start our new class next week, A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths, I would encourage you to view J. Warner Wallace’s presentation on the importance of Apologetic training for all Christians today. Our new class will be focusing on two parts: 1) Answering tough questions (Apologetics) about life in our culture today from a… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: Resources for Genesis Apologetics – Creation Today interviews on the question of the age of the Earth and methods of dating

This week we are continuing to highlight some work from our recommended sources on Genesis, specifically on the Genesis creation account. The prominent view in secular academia today is that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old. What does the evidence say? Eric Hovind, from the Creation Today Show, interviews experts on a weekly basis… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: Resource for Genesis Apologetics – Genesis Impact

Over the next few sessions I’d like to highlight some work from our recommended sources on Genesis, specifically the Genesis creation account. The prominent view in secular academia today is that humans have evolved from lower life forms and specifically from “ape-like” creatures considered to be forerunners of homo-sapiens. The fossil record, in reality, does… Continue Reading