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Case-Making 101: Making a case for the Creator

Young people today often cite science as the main reason for their disbelief or disinterest in Christianity and the Bible. When pressed most will say that science has disproven the Bible and that evolution has been shown to be the mechanism for the existence of life. In public education this is taught as fact and… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: How does Archeology support the Bible?

How does Archeology relate to the Bible? Archeology is a relatively new science that did not take root until the nineteenth century A.D., prior to that time archeology was mainly done by grave robbers! I was amazed to learn how these relatively new discoveries from archeological digs in the Middle East are consistently supporting Biblical… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Is the Bible written by eyewitnesses of the events?

Eyewitness Accounts: Many people think the Bible is just like other “holy books” telling mythological stories or giving philosophical advice. Not true! Upon close examination one will find that the Bible with its 66 different books is written by at least 40 authors who were either eyewitnesses of the accounts or who record eyewitness testimony.… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: How does the Bible compare to other ancient documents?

Textual Criticism: Last week we looked at the evidence for the reliability of the Bible with the early Church’s canonization process that demonstrates we can be certain that we have the right books, contrary to cultural spin. We also looked at many reasons Christians reject the Apocrypha and Gnostic books with an emphasis on the… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: How were the books of the Bible decided?

CANONIZATION: Last week we looked at evidence for transmission of ancient documents and historical information, in particular the transmission of the Bible as the Word of God. Coming at this investigation as a skeptic I found that there is enough evidence to believe that transmission of God’s Word from ancient times is reasonably possible. The… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God?

  How confident are you that the Bible is the Word of God? Most people, even Christians, do not give God, or the Bible, much time or thought as long as things are moving along great. But, when life changing events cause us to reevaluate our purpose and destiny we can be catapulted into a… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Cold-Case Christianity for Kids and Adults!

Cold-Case Christianity for Kids, Investigate Jesus With A Real Detective “Here’s a creative, clear, and compelling primer that will sharpen the reasoning skills of kids. They’ll love the detective approach to the evidence for faith!”  Lee Strobel, bestselling author of “The Case for Christ.” Watch this brief introduction by J. Warner Wallace: It is important to have… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: The Christian Worldview and the problem of doubt, evil and suffering

Questions and doubts: What do you do when you have questions and doubts about God or your faith? Questions can be good if it moves us forward to finding answers. I had a lot of questions about Christianity and I did not do anything about that for years except to become a doubtful skeptic. Doubt… Continue Reading