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Defending Your Faith 101: Understanding Christianity’s Roots

In his new book, “The American Spirit,” David McCullough observes, “We are raising a generation of young Americans who are by and large historically illiterate.” And in her Wall Street Journal review of the book, Peggy Noonan recounts McCullough’s description of “a bright Missouri college student who thanked him for coming to the campus, because,… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: All Christians need to get basic training!

…we have been too unwilling for too long to talk about what is right and what is wrong. We have too often avoided saying what needs to be said—about everything from marriage to welfare to common courtesy.”  -Prime Minister David Cameron Over the past two weeks we have looked at reasons for the urgency to… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: Why we all need to be trained in Christian Apologetics – Take the test

Why we need Christian Apologetics in our culture today: Once upon a time the United States could call itself a Christian Nation. However, if you’ve had much experience in public education, particularly higher education and the political landscape in general, you are probably in tune to the fact that we are in a post-Christian era… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: The urgency for all Christians to get “basic training”

“The problem of leading a Christian life in a non-Christian society is now very present to us…. And as for the Christian who is not conscious of his dilemma—and he is in the majority—he is becoming more and more de-Christianized by all sorts of unconscious pressure: paganism holds all the most valuable advertising space.”  -T.S.… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: Tips for studying the Bible

This past week I was blessed to give a short presentation on Bible study skills to our “Run For God” class, as well as promote our upcoming Apologetics classes and this website. I am posting the notes from the presentation as a review for the participants and all readers of this blog. I invite your… Continue Reading

Forensic Faith 101: Distinctive Duty

This month I am teaching from J. Warner Wallace’s book Forensic Faith. This is what Dr. Craig Hazen, founder and director of the Graduate Program in Christian Apologetics at Biola University, has said: “This book connects. It is one the of most accessible books addressing the foundational issues in [Christian] apologetics I have ever seen. Superb material that… Continue Reading

Forensic Faith 101: Do you have an accidental or evidential faith?

Why am I a Christian and not a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or Atheist? If I answer “because that is what I grew up with,” or “because I had an experience,” or “because I just feel that it is true” then I have an accidental faith. The problem with an accidental faith is that it is… Continue Reading