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Defending Your Faith 101: Do we have a proper perspective of eternity?

This life becomes a distant vapor in comparison to eternity—life is not a short timeline that has an end, but it is a ray that goes on into eternity, not stopping at death’s door. Can you remember when you were in so much pain or discomfort from an injury, an illness, or a medical procedure… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: Sources of Evil and Suffering

“We need to know God’s plan so that we can make sense of tsunamis, fires, cancers, strokes, rapes, tortures, and the fact that, except for the Lord’s return, the only thing that will prevent us from watching everyone we know die will be our own death. If we don’t understand that our good God can… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: A Case for Faith vs. Doubt

Over the next few weeks we will look at what many Christian Apologists believe is the number one complaint leveled against the Christian God: The problem of evil. Skeptics claim, ‘if God, why evil?’ I am going to spread out this topic to cover three areas that I believe are interconnected: Doubt, Evil and Suffering.… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: The Moral Argument for the Existence of God

As we head into another ‘New Year,’ and put 2017 in the record book, I find myself watching the pages of the calendar tear off in more rapid succession. The realization that we are given only a few years to do this thing called life is becoming more apparent, and I don’t know about you… Continue Reading

Defending You Faith 101: The Teleological Argument, Part 2

Intelligence in Biochemistry Shrinking down to the size of an atom as you rode Disneyland’s Adventure Thru Inner Space was both scary and exciting as you imagined how far into the microscopic world we could travel. This attraction opened on August 5, 1967 as part of the New Tomorrowland and was every serious science student’s… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: The Teleological Argument, Part 1

The “Teleological Argument” is an argument for the existence of God based on the design factors we see in and around us. There is a definite “fine tuning” of constants in our Universe that must be balanced at levels as thin as a razor’s edge, otherwise life as we know it would not exist. However,… Continue Reading

Defending Your Faith 101: God’s Existence

There are a growing number of people today who seriously doubt the existence of God, or are skeptical of the God of the Christian Bible. This trend does not include hard-core atheists (you know, the ones that get really angry when you try to talk about God or His existence) because they have always been around.… Continue Reading