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Case for Creation 101: The Effects of the Fall

Last week we looked at Genesis chapter three and asked the question: Does a spiritual world exist? Given the Biblical worldview and taking into account the fact that evil manifests itself in many unexplainable acts like the Las Vegas shooting, it is undeniable that such a world exists. The Fall not only infected humankind with… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: Does A Spiritual World Exist?

  Concerning the October 1st Las Vegas shooting tragedy, ABC news reported: “Las Vegas native Jimmy Kimmel was both visibly shaken and determined to send a message during an emotional monologue Monday night about the shooting, “a terrible, inexplicable, shocking and painful tragedy. We wonder why,” he said, holding back tears, “even though there’s probably… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: Made in His Image or evolved over time?

These are some of the most popular questions asked over the centuries and are still being debated today: Where did I come from? (origin) What is my purpose? (reason for existence) Where am I going? (destiny) In the Bible we find answers to these questions, and from the very beginning God laid out His design… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: The days of Creation and human theories

To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destiny. It means to know where you are going so that you better understand where you are now, so that you know the steps you are taking are always in the right direction. -Steve Covey, Educator Covey’s quote is… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: God’s Nature – The Trinity

A misunderstanding that many people have about Christianity, especially those in other religions such as Islam, is the concept of the Trinity. Christians are often accused of “poly-theism” (worshipping multiple gods). However, this is not what Christianity teaches about the Trinity. As we study through Genesis you will notice times where God uses the plural… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: The existence and nature of God – A study in Genesis

THE EXISTENCE AND NATURE OF GOD  “Only fools say in their hearts, “there is no God”. They are corrupt and their actions are evil; not one of them does good!”  Psalm 53:1 Something cannot come from nothing (0 + 0 = 0), being cannot come from non-being, and life cannot come from non-life. Information at… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible 101: The Cumulative Case and Saved Lives

We have been laying out a “Case for the Bible” over the past few months and the evidence collection has been based on a question that many have posed: How do we know the Bible is reliable? This question also covers concern over transmission, translation and canonicity. If we can confirm its accuracy in all… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible 101: Deception In Evolutionary Science

“In grammar school they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fairy tale. In the university they taught me that a frog turning into a prince was a fact!”  – Ron Carlson, Professor and Author, U.C. Irvine Last week we looked at some of the important concepts to understand when discussing Creation… Continue Reading