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A Case for the Old Testament: How Did We Get These Books?

Even if you are a skeptic, or you don’t believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, you have to admit that it is very intriguing to find an ancient document like this, the Old Testament in particular, surviving thousands of years with minimal damage to its reputation and content. There is no… Continue Reading

A Case For The Old Testament: Getting The Big Picture

What Should I Do Before Diving Into A Study? Get the “Big Picture” First It is important to know the books that make up the Christian Bible and their categories. The goal, at a beginning level, would be to memorize the order of the books along with the major events, people, and Covenants they contain.… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: How should we study?

How should we study the Bible and the Old Testament in particular? READING—STUDYING—MEDITATING Know the difference Reading: Get the big picture (the story) by reading the Bible in large chunks—an individual book or a complete storyline within a book—just like any good novel. Studying: Get a study Bible and some tools like a Bible dictionary or concordance,… Continue Reading

A Case For The Old Testament: Reasons To Study The Whole Bible

Why should we study the whole Bible, Old Testament and New? Many people today, even Christians, believe that the Bible is outdated, especially the Old Testament. Yet, as Christians isn’t it important to know what we believe and why we believe it? There is no way to truly be a Christian (follower of Christ) without… Continue Reading

A Case For The Old Testament: Why is an ancient document like this important for us today?

This week we are beginning a new study called, “A Case for the Old Testament.” Now before you start to yawn and leave this post, WAIT! The Old Testament is GOLD when it comes to really understanding the roots of Christianity and the real reason why Jesus did what He did in the New Testament!… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: The Tower of Babel – What happened there, and how does that affect us today?

Why are we humans so different, or are we? If we have been conditioned to see the the differences then they will stand out to us, but if we look at everyone as the human race, and not individual races, we will find more similarities than dissimilarities! All humans are made in the image of… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: What about the Dinosaurs?

One of the most popular questions asked in Genesis and Creation related classes, is:  What about the dinosaurs? What most people know, or believe, about dinosaurs usually comes from the little they have been taught in public education. It goes something like this: “There have been five major mass extinctions over the course of Earth’s history.… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation 101: Noah’s Flood and The Age of The Earth?

I have friends and mentors on both sides of the Christian debate concerning the age of the earth (Old Earth Creationists/Young Earth Creationists). I also know many Christians that will say “it doesn’t matter, because what you believe about the age of the earth is not salvational.” I believe that is a true statement as… Continue Reading