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A Case for the Old Testament: What is the dating of the Exodus and why is it important?

As we transition from Genesis to Exodus there is a time period that needs to be addressed from an apologetic’s standpoint because it affects the dating of the events all the way through the book of Joshua. Skeptics will criticize the Biblical account as being false, or mythological, because secular science does not agree with… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: How Do We Find Jesus in the Old Testament?

Last week we looked at how Joseph’s life foreshadowed, or gave us a picture of Jesus. There are so many places in the Old Testament where we find this type of foreshadowing, giving insight to who Jesus would be and what He would do as the promised Messiah. This promise originated in Genesis chapter three,… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: How important are foreshadows of Jesus?

We have been studying through the book of Genesis in some detail, building a case for the Old Testament. One of the most important things we are learning is that the Old Testament gives a picture of things to come via the promises of God through covenants. These covenants unfold from Abraham through his son… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Can Christians be Deceived?

Last week we looked at the trouble Jacob got in because of his deceptive ways. Deception is a tool of Satan and has been since the beginning (Genesis 3:15), and he uses it even on the believer. There are many places in the New Testament where the writers warn believers about false teachers and being… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Can Idols Affect Christians Today? A look at the Patriarch Jacob

Many people today believe that idol worship is a thing of the past, something practiced by uneducated and unenlightened people. The first time we find the mention of idol worship in the Old Testament is in the story of the Patriarch Jacob when his wife Rachel steals her father’s idols. These idols were physical objects,… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: God’s Promise passes to Isaac, not Ishmael

Last week we looked at how events in the life of Abraham’s son Isaac gives us a picture, or foreshadow, of Jesus. As we continue our case for the Old Testament, following the narrative in Genesis, we find God’s Promise to Abraham being passed on to his son Isaac (not Ishmael as some would claim… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Does Isaac foreshadow Jesus?

Genesis Chapter 22: As we continue our study in the Old Testament, and the all important foundational book of Genesis, we come upon a well known, and often misunderstood story in chapter 22: The [almost] sacrifice of Abraham’s son Isaac. Even though human sacrifice was common in surrounding pagan nations at this time, it is… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Abraham and Isaac – Christianity or Islam?

As we continue our study of the Old Testament, and the “Patriarchs” of the faith, we move into the story of Abraham’s two sons who are the roots of three different faiths today. Since Christianity is historically rooted in Judaism we can claim an alliance when discussing the historicity of the Genesis account and the… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Did Abraham Exist?

Last week we looked at the content and outline of Genesis chapters 1-11 while referencing the apologetics background of those chapter for further study so that we can be equipped to defend what we believe to a culture of skepticism today. As exciting and fascinating as Genesis chapters 1-11 can be, both in content and… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Introduction to the book of Genesis and a study of the Patriarchs

The past few weeks we have been making a case for the Old Testament by going over the historical transmission, the connections between the Old and New Testaments, and the importance of using the hermeneutical method for study. We also looked at some tools and references that can help us make the task of reading… Continue Reading