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A Case for the Old Testament: Does God Promote Genocide?

Atheists and skeptics of the Bible will accuse God of being a “moral monster” especially because of His order to kill the Canaanites in the Old Testament. They will claim that God is genocidal and promotes violence through the hands of the Israelites against other people groups. But is this a fair assessment from people… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Bible Apologetics Every Christian Should Know

Last week we looked specifically at Old Testament Apologetics every Christian should know. This week we are examining apologetics for the Bible as a whole. Often skeptics will say things like, “some people just got together and made the whole story up” or “the Bible is so old we can’t possibly know if it has… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Old Testament Apologetics Every Christian Should Know

Over the past several months we have been making a case for the Old Testament in an attempt to motivate people to read and study it. Even a lot Christians do not read or study the Old Testament, and that might be for various reasons, they might think it is not applicable for today because… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Does the Role of High Priest Foreshadow Jesus?

Since we have been looking at the foreshadowing of Jesus in the Old Testament I have found that the more you explore, the deeper you can go on this subject. God’s grace in giving His people a picture of what was to come is immeasurable! I think this is why skeptics and others have no… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Does the Tabernacle Foreshadow Jesus?

We have been looking at foreshadows of Jesus in the Old Testament over the past several posts. This week we are not looking at a person, but a structure that pictures Jesus. God’s directions for the Tabernacle, and all of the items therein, foreshadow Jesus in who He is and what He would do in… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Does the Mosaic Law Foreshadow Jesus?

We have been looking at the concept of foreshadowing over the past several posts and have discovered that almost everything recorded in the Old Testament points, in one way or another, to Jesus. It seems as though God wanted to show us in advance what would come through His Son. It also begs the question… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Did the Passover Foreshadow Jesus?

Over the last few posts we have been looking at the “foreshadowing” of Jesus in the lives and events of people in the Old Testament. When we actually see the many pictures that God gave us, fulfilled in Jesus, we grow closer in our understanding of His overarching purpose and plan. This knowledge actually makes… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Do the Plagues of Egypt in Exodus Foreshadow Future Events?

Last week we began a study in the book of Exodus on the person of Moses and how he was a foreshadow of Jesus. When we look at foreshadows in the Old Testament we are not saying that the person or event is actually Jesus (unless is it a Theophany = an appearance of Jesus pre-incarnate… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Did Moses foreshadow Jesus?

Last week we covered the time period between Genesis and Exodus, and the evidence for the dating of the Exodus at about 1446 BC, making the entry into the Promised Land by Joshua about 1406 BC. This time period contains much of the archeological evidence uncovered concerning Goshen and Jericho (bookend cities to major events… Continue Reading