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A Case for Christ and the New Testament: What is the Importance of The Great Commission?

We are currently going through our “Case for Christ and the New Testament” series by finishing up with some thoughts from the book of Acts and then moving on into the Epistles, which we will overview next week. Knowing that the book of Acts gives us the historical narrative of the beginning of the Christian… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Who was involved in the establishment of the “Christian Church” and what was going on at the time?

, Last week we looked at the beginnings of the Christian Church, formed in the first century A.D., following Jesus’ giving of the “Great Commission.” The book of Acts is the historical narrative of these first followers through eyewitness accounts of the events recorded by the author, Luke. There are other ancient records that support… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: When Did the Christian Church Begin?

In making a case for the Jesus and the New Testament it is important to cover the beginnings of the Christian “Church.” We find this beginning in the New Testament book of Acts. Skeptics will say that the “Church” began with the Roman Catholic Church and the Emperor Constantine and they will use this as… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?

Is Clark Pinnock speaking the truth when he says the following? Is God’s grace limited to the relatively few who, often through accidents of time and geography, happen to have responded to the gospel? No, certainly not. –Clark Pinnock, “More Than One Way?” Mr. Pinnock is not taking the whole of the Bible’s teaching into… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: The Resurrection Apologetic 101

This week, in our “Case for Christ” series, we are looking specifically at the Resurrection. The Resurrection is the lynchpin that marks the Christian faith, the only faith that claims their leader defeated death. Many skeptics, cultist and some from other faiths dispute the fact of the Resurrection and some even say that Jesus did… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: The Historical Jesus 101

Did Jesus Exist in History? I often hear skeptics and atheists say things like, “the Bible is the same as all the other ‘holy books’ that tell mythological stories.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Upon close examination one will find that the Bible is mainly written as a historical narrative by eyewitnesses or… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Introduction to the Gospels – Why are there differences between them?

Introduction to the Gospels Matthew – Mark – Luke – John In our current series we are focusing on a few different things to make a case for Christ and the New Testament: Apologetics, hermeneutics and a specific study in the Gospel of John. Doing these three things will help us better understand the truths… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: What Is New Testament Apologetics?

New Testament Apologetics: Skeptics frequently make negative claims against Jesus and the reliability of the Bible, especially the New Testament, often shaming those who profess confidence in both. However, with New Testament Apologetics we can put the reliability and truth of the Bible, and the person of Jesus, up against a courtroom test like lawyers… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: What was going on between the Old and New Testament?

As we continue our series on A Case for Christ and the New Testament we will take a look at the “Intertestimental period” of time along with reasons that mainline Protestants reject the Apocryphal books as inspired by God. Apocryphal books are found in the Roman Catholic Bible and a few other Christian denominations, and… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and The New Testament: Why we cannot unhitch the Old Testament from the New Testament

As we continue our case for Christ and the New Testament it is important to know that we are setting a full plate with this series. We are focusing on three different areas: Making a case for Christ (apologetics); Overviewing the New Testament in preparation to study in-depth (hermeneutics); and studying the Gospel of John… Continue Reading