Category Archives:

A Case for Christianity: Why Defend the Faith?

We have started a new series called “A Case for Christianity” with a focus on giving reasons to believe. Today, we find ourselves in a culture of skepticism on just about everything, especially religion. Therefore it is vital for Christians to be able to articulate their faith by giving evidential reasons for why we believe what… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: What is Apologetics and Why Do We Need It?

“Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.” –C.S. Lewis Christian Apologetics: Apologetics=apologia (ap-ol-og-ee’-ah) in the original Greek means to give a verbal defense, like one would do in a court of law. It is used eight times in the New Testament: Acts… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: The importance of the book of Revelation

Left Behind? To end our series it is important to take a look at the book of Revelation, also known as the Revelation of Jesus Christ. There have been many speculations over the centuries as to the timing of Jesus’ return. There is also variation in views concerning such things as the “Rapture of the… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Why are the Epistles important in making a case?

As we get close to concluding our case for Christ and the New Testament it is important to discuss the importance of the New Testament category of books called the Epistles. The Epistles are letters written to various early Churches, individuals, or Christians in general by Apostles and Disciples of Jesus. These epistles or letters… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Who was the Apostle Paul and why is he an important figure in the early Church?

Over the past few months we have been focused on making a case for Christ by looking at the evidence from the Gospels, the book of Acts and outside sources as well. Skeptics will try to discount the New Testament on various levels but run into a wall because the evidence is so strong for… Continue Reading

A Case for Christ and the New Testament: Does Prophecy confirm Jesus as the promised Messiah?

Over the past several months we have been making a case for Christ and the New Testament on various levels: Academic, historical, archeological, Biblical and through witness testimony both inside and outside the Bible. This week I want to focus on, and review, the evidence from prophecy. Prophecy that was written hundreds of years before… Continue Reading