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A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding the teleological evidence for the existence of God when practicing Christian Apologetics – Part 1

The “Teleological Argument” is an argument for the existence of God based evidence from the design factors we see in and around us. There is a definite “fine tuning” of constants in our Universe that must be balanced at levels as thin as a razor’s edge, otherwise life as we know it would not exist.… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding the cosmological evidence for the existence of God when practicing Christian Apologetics

Over the next several posts we will be looking at several arguments for the existence God. We will overview these arguments with some of the major evidences, keeping in mind that each piece can be researched at depth. Last week we looked at evidence from a Biblical perspective and two philosophical arguments for the existence… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding arguments for God’s existence when practicing Christian Apologetics

There are a growing number of people today who seriously doubt the existence of God, or are skeptical of the God of the Christian Bible. This trend does not include hard-core atheists because they have always been around. However, we are seeing growth in what has now become the third largest religious category worldwide known as the… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding Jesus’ claim to Deity when practicing Christian Apologetics

“After studying the historical origins of the Christian faith, I came to these conclusions: that Jesus died on the cross is as certain as anything historical can be; that he rose from the dead is by far the best explanation of the events surrounding his death; and that Jesus claimed to be God is the… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding the uniqueness of Jesus when practicing Christian Apologetics

“A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic—on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg—or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding inclusive versus exclusive claims when practicing Christian Apologetics

Clark Pinnock, Christian Theologian and Author, has been quoted saying: “Is God’s grace limited to the relatively few who, often through accidents of time and geography, happen to have responded to the gospel? No, certainly not.” The late Clark Pinnock was a leading proponent of evangelical inclusivism, but when that idea is taken to its… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding religious differences when practicing Christian Apologetics

Oprah Winfrey has been quoted saying: “I am a Christian who believes that there are certainly many more paths to God other than Christianity.” She touts the “just be a good person and you will get to Heaven” attitude as well. But, is that true? If your worldview does not put Jesus at the center… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding religious pluralism when practicing Apologetics

“I remember when I was 10 years old, I asked my mother, ‘If there’s only one God, why are there so many religions?’ I’ve been pondering that question ever since, and the conclusion I’ve come to is that all religions are true.”   -George Lucas, Film Director Religious pluralism is the view, in our culture… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of having a Biblical Worldview when practicing Apologetics

“Bluntly, to serve God well we must think straight; and crooked thinking, unintentional or not, always favors evil. And when the crooked thinking gets elevated into group orthodoxy, whether religious or secular, there is always, quite literally, hell to pay.”   –Dr. Dallas Willard, Christian Author and Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern California It… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity: The importance of understanding truth versus relativism when practicing Christians Apologetics

“Today we’ve lost the confidence that statements of facts can ever be anything more than opinion. The word true now means “true for me” and nothing more. The death of truth in our society has created a moral decay. When we abandon the idea that one set of laws applies to every human being, all… Continue Reading