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A Case for Creation: Session 3, Part 1 – Are Miracles Possible?

Last week we finished session 2 on the existence and nature of God. Please go back and check that out if you missed it, because our case will flow from one session to the next as we give evidence for the truths of creation as found in the book of Genesis! This week we are… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session 2 – The Existence and Nature of God, Part 2 – Evidence from Teleology, Morality and the Trinity

Last week we look at the existence and nature of God with evidence from not only the Bible, but from the fields of philosophy and cosmology. We will pick up this evidence trail with arguments for God’s existence from teleology (design) and the demonstration of a universal moral law. We will then conclude this session… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: The importance of understanding the evidence for the existence of God, Part 1 – Biblical, Philosophical and Cosmological Arguments

THE EXISTENCE AND NATURE OF GOD The control of public education today, particularly in higher academia, is in the hands of a majority who do not believe in God, or who are so ingrained in the belief of secular evolution through the philosophy of humanism. Thus the prevailing paradigm upon which research is based, and… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Introduction Part 2 – The importance of case-making when studying the book of Genesis

Why do we need to make a case for creation? This week we are continuing with our introduction as we look at reasons why case-making is important. As Christians we can often feel unequipped to answer when questions of human origin, purpose, destiny, the problem of evil and even the existence of God come up… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Introduction Part 1 – The importance of studying the Bible

This week we are starting a new series called “A Case for Creation.” Along with this series we will be studying through the book of Genesis with some questions at the end of each week’s session. Before we start let’s review the purpose of this ministry, and why it is important for all Christians to… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the cumulative case, including the testimony of saved lives, when practicing Christian Apologetics

We have been laying out a “Case for the Bible” over the past few months and the evidence collection has been based on a question that many have posed: How do we know the Bible is reliable? This question also covers concern over transmission, translation and canonicity. If we can confirm its accuracy in all… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the Bible’s scientific authenticity, as it relates to Creation, when practicing Christian Apologetics

Last week we looked at how the Bible is scientifically authentic even though it is not intended to be a book of science. If the Bible is authentic when it speaks of things like germ avoidance, ocean seascapes and currents, and even the best day to perform a procedure like circumcision, then one might think… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the Bible’s scientific authenticity when practicing Christian Apologetics

Over the past few months we have been looking at the evidence for the reliability, historicity and inspiration of the Bible. We have seen an abundance of evidence, so much so that Christian Apologist J. Warner Wallace says, “there is so much evidence for the the reliability of the Bible that it is like death… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding prophecy fulfillment when practicing Christian Apologetics

We have been laying out a “Case for the Bible” over the past few months and the evidence collection has been based on a question that many have posed: How do we know the Bible is the Word of God? You can be skeptical of the Bible, as I once was, but at some point,… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding Biblical prophecy when practicing Christian Apologetics

  This week we continue our “Case for the Bible” with evidence of fulfilled Prophecy. In addition to the abundance of evidence we have covered in the Manuscript and Archeology categories, the evidence in this category is so overwhelming that even ardent atheists have been swayed. Nothing is more profound than Biblical prophecy and its fulfillment! There are… Continue Reading