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A Case for the New Testament: Session Two, History and Background part 2 – An Introduction to the Gospels

This week we are in part two of session two in our “Case for the New Testament” series. Last week, in part one, we looked at the history, and God’s preparation for the coming of His Son, during the “Intertestamental period” (the 400 years between the Old and New Testaments). This week we are covering… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Session 2 – History and Background – What was going on between the Old and New Testaments?

This week we are looking at the “Intertestamental” period of Biblical history in our New Testament case-making series. This period of time is often called “the silent years” referencing a four-hundred year period of time that God was not seen or heard from. However, this is far from the truth as God was not taking… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Introduction, Part 2 – The importance of seeing the “Big Picture” of the Bible

Last week we started a new series using a class format that includes the presentation, video clips, overview notes, a reflection for memorization and a Bible study in the book of Acts. This type of format will make the material and information available for those who cannot attend class in person, or for those who… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Class Introduction

This week we are starting our new class, “A Case for the New Testament” along with a study in the book of Acts. Over the next several weeks the posts will include the video presentation based on the class, video clips and recommended resources from top Christian teachers and apologists. There will also be some… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 9

This week we are wrapping up our study of the book of Exodus and the important history that all Christians should be familiar with. The big question many Christians ask: Are we still under the Old Testament Law? We will look at that question and a little more in this conclusion to our Case for… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 8

Over the past several weeks we have been reviewing some basic answers, with an apologetic focus, for the book of Exodus. This week we are looking at chapters 15 through 20, and then next week we will conclude with an overview of chapters 21 through 40. Then, the week of July 11th we will begin… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 7

Last week we looked at one of the most epic events in all of history: the Red Sea Crossing. We did not cover the last few questions in that set as they comprise a stand alone topic on miracles; so this week we will take a look at what miracles are, and how we know… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 6

This week we are looking at one of the most epic events in all of the Old Testament history: The Red Sea Crossing. Many skeptics have denied this as a miraculous event, but there is much evidence in the way of archeology and historical records from, not only Biblical sources, but outside sources as well.… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 5

In this week’s post we are looking at answers to the study questions for Exodus chapters 11-13. We have taken a short break from our apologetics’ topics to use a question and answer format for this series. However, embedded in these questions and answers will be references to some of the tough questions often asked… Continue Reading