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A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 7

Last week we looked at one of the most epic events in all of history: the Red Sea Crossing. We did not cover the last few questions in that set as they comprise a stand alone topic on miracles; so this week we will take a look at what miracles are, and how we know… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 6

This week we are looking at one of the most epic events in all of the Old Testament history: The Red Sea Crossing. Many skeptics have denied this as a miraculous event, but there is much evidence in the way of archeology and historical records from, not only Biblical sources, but outside sources as well.… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 5

In this week’s post we are looking at answers to the study questions for Exodus chapters 11-13. We have taken a short break from our apologetics’ topics to use a question and answer format for this series. However, embedded in these questions and answers will be references to some of the tough questions often asked… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 4

Beginning last week, and over the next few weeks, we are overviewing the notes from the study questions as our class presentation on the book of Exodus. The purpose is to gain a basic knowledge of the book, and its events, along with addressing some answers to a few tough questions we might get from… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 3

This week we are presenting answers to previous study questions as an overview from our class, and will continue to do so over the next several posts as we go through the book of Exodus. In the past two posts we have introduced some of the work by Timothy Mahony and the “Patterns of Evidence”… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus, Part 2

Last week we began a new study on the book of Exodus. It is after Genesis, not only chronologically, but in skeptical criticism of the narrative. Since we have established, in previous studies, that there is ample evidence for the reliability of Biblical narrative we can have confidence that what is recorded in the Exodus… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: The Exodus

This week we are beginning a new Bible study in the book of Exodus. Along with our study we will do some “apologetics” in order to answer skeptics who view the Exodus, along with its miraculous events, as fables. The problem with that view is that there is so much evidence that cannot be ignored,… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: Session Two – The Importance of Focus Points When Studying The Old Testament

Last week we looked at the importance of understanding the big picture of the Old Testament by looking at twelve major historical events along with major players and covenants in those events. This week we are reviewing some of the important “Apologetics” for the Old Testament and looking at seven major “Focus Points” for our… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: Session One, Part 2 – The importance of knowing the major events, players and covenants

Last week we began a new class with an introduction and ministry statement, along with important reasons, including Biblical ones, to study the Bible. This week we are looking at the importance of knowing the “big picture” of the Old Testament by understanding the twelve major events along with the major players and covenants therein.… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament, The History Continues: Class Introduction

This week we are starting a new class that will pick up where we left off in the last class. The goal is to set a full table of information that includes not only the Bible study, but Apologetics as well. If you have been following you know that each week has a video presentation,… Continue Reading