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A Case for the New Testament: Session 3, Bible Apologetics Part 3 – The Canonization Process

This week we are in part three of our apologetics’ evidence for the Bible, focusing on the canonization process. Skeptics will say things like, “a group of men in a council decided what books should be in the Bible,” but that is simply not true. There were hundred of years of use for the books… Continue Reading

Answers for A Study in the book of Acts: Chapter 10

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for the New Testament” posts on the weekend. The original questions are posted on the bottom of the Case for the New Testament” post the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week. This gives you… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Session 3, Bible Apologetics Part 2 – The Transmission Over Time

This week we are in part two of our apologetics’ evidence for the Bible, focusing on the transmission over time. Since we are making a case for the New Testament we will look more closely at those books, but it is impossible to separate out the Old Testament, so we will include some of the… Continue Reading

Answers for A Study in the book of Acts: Chapter 9

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for the New Testament” posts on the weekend. The original questions are posted on the bottom of the Case for the New Testament” post the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week. This gives you… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Session 3, Bible Apologetics Part 1 – The Historical Reliability of the Bible

This week we begin session three which will cover apologetic evidence for the New Testament. Over the next few weeks we will look at several topics in this area including the New Testament’s reliability, transmission over time, the canonization process, translations over time and authentication of the books included in the New Testament. In this… Continue Reading

Answers for A Study in the book of Acts: Chapter 8

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for the New Testament” posts on the weekend. The original questions are posted on the bottom of the Case for the New Testament” post the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week. This gives you… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Session Two, History and Background Part 4 – The Importance of Eyewitness Accounts

Last week we looked at the importance of the four Gospels giving several accounts of the same historical events, and the fact that multiple narratives like these give credibility to the authors as eyewitnesses, or as reporting eyewitness accounts. This week we will look at the specific ways in which we see various accounts given… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Session Two, History and Background Part 3 – The Gospels and The Importance of Eyewitness Accounts

This week we are continuing session two on the history and background of the New Testament. In this third part we are focusing on the Gospel record based on eyewitnesses accounts. As we build our case for the reliability of the New Testament, one thing to consider is the fact that these eyewitness accounts are… Continue Reading

Answers for A Study in the book of Acts: Chapters 5 and 6

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for the New Testament” posts on the weekend. The original questions are posted on the bottom of the Case for the New Testament” post the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week. This gives you… Continue Reading

A Case for the New Testament: Session Two, History and Background part 2 – An Introduction to the Gospels

This week we are in part two of session two in our “Case for the New Testament” series. Last week, in part one, we looked at the history, and God’s preparation for the coming of His Son, during the “Intertestamental period” (the 400 years between the Old and New Testaments). This week we are covering… Continue Reading