Category Archives:

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 19

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week.… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Six – The Dissemination Fallout

In this presentation we are introducing evidence from the second half of the series known as the “Fallout.” There are several lines of evidence in the fallout pointing to our person of interest that we will investigate. This first line is known as the “Dissemination Fallout” and it includes the impact that our person of… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapters 18-19:10

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week.… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Five – The Prophetic Fuse and the Explosion

In this presentation we are completing the information from the third fuse leading up to our Person of Interest – The Prophetic Fuse. The evidence in this category is so overwhelming that even ardent atheists have been swayed. Nothing is more profound than Biblical prophecy and its fulfillment! There are many people over the centuries… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 17

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week.… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Four – The Prophetic Fuse

In this presentation we are covering the third fuse leading up to our Person of Interest – The Prophetic Fuse. In addition to an abundance of evidence in the manuscript, archeology and science categories we covered in “A Case for the Bible,” there is a multitude of evidence of fulfilled prophecy. The evidence in this… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 16

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Three – The Spiritual Fuse

This week we are in session three for our “Person of Interest” class investigation. There are three main fuses leading up to the explosive appearance of Jesus. This first fuse is known as “the cultural fuse” which we looked at last week. This week we are looking at “the spiritual fuse” which emphasizes the history… Continue Reading

Answers for a Study in the Book of Acts: Chapter 15

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Acts” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” posts on the weekend. The original questions can be found at the bottom of the “Case for Christianity, Person of Interest” study the weekend before, and the answers appear here mid-week… Continue Reading

A Case for Christianity, Person of Interest: Session Two – The Cultural Fuse

This week we are reviewing session two for our “Person of Interest” class investigation. We will be looking at one of the three main fuses leading up to the explosive appearance of Jesus. This first fuse is known as “the cultural fuse” and it has six strands of evidence that bring us to the most… Continue Reading