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Christian Apologetics: A review of the evidence for God’s existence

We are in between our winter and spring classes and I wanted to share a video, and some thoughts, that would conclude our last topic on evidence for God’s existence. What is the answer to the origin of life, and everything that exists in our universe? From our studies so far, we can basically conclude… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, Let Me Explain! Topic #2 – Conversations About God: Does God Exist? Evidence for Creation vs. Evolution

This presentation concludes our winter class with evidence and references for the creation vs. evolution debate. Knowing that we all have the same evidence to look at, we find the Christian Worldview provides the most reasonable conclusion to what science observes. It is also important to understand some of the deception that occurs in the… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Proverbs 30-31, and Ephesians Chapter 6

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Proverbs and Ephesians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, Let Me Explain! Topic #2: Conversations About God, Part 1 – Does God Exist? The Teleological Argument for Design from Evidence in Biochemistry

This week is a continuation of the evidence for the existence of God from the Teleological Argument, specifically in the design factors found in biochemistry. These factors can be seen in things like the irreducible complexity of structures in living things such as a bacterial flagellum, the eye, the ear and the blood clotting factor.… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Proverbs 26-29, and Ephesians Chapter 5

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Proverbs and Ephesians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, Let Me Explain! Topic #2: Conversations About God, Part 1 – Does God Exist? The Teleological Argument for the Design of Our Universe

This week is a continuation of topic number two, “conversations about God” where we are looking at compelling areas of evidence for the existence of God. This week we are looking at evidence for the “Teleological Argument” from obvious design factors found in our Universe. We will also provide references for going deeper for those… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Proverbs 21-25, and Ephesians Chapter 4

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Proverbs and Ephesians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, Let Me Explain! Topic #2: Conversations About God, Part 1 – Does God Exist?

This is the first of several presentations on the topic of God. Part 1 is a presentation of evidences for the existence of God from the Bible, from Philosophy and from Cosmology. We overview each of these arguments, and then give examples of evidence from each. We also provide references for going deeper for those… Continue Reading

Answers for a study in the book of Proverbs 16-20, and Ephesians Chapter 3

“Answers For A Study in the Book of Proverbs and Ephesians” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then… Continue Reading

Christian Apologetics, Let Me Explain! Topic #1: Conversations About Worldview and Truth, Part 2 Focus on Truth continued…

This week’s presentation continues our focus on the importance of truth, especially in the Biblical Christian Worldview. The Christian Worldview is the one view that corresponds to reality, and when we go outside of reality we eventually bump into the wall of truth, which can get us hurt. Jesus said, “I am the way, the… Continue Reading