Category Archives: A Case for Christianity

A Case for Creation: Session 6 – The Tower of Babel and An Introduction to Abraham

This week’s session will wrap up our “Case for Creation” class series (our next class will be “A Case for the Old Testament”). In this final session we will look at evidence for the Tower of Babel and how the Biblical narrative of Human dispersion accounts for what we should see as only one race… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session 5, Part 4 – The Geologic Column and Dinosaurs

Last week we looked at evidence that exposed problems with the mainstream secular dating methods for the Earth (Session 5, Part 3). We now carry that awareness into some specifics like the Geologic Column and the question of when dinosaurs lived. Check out this week’s presentation and the extra recommended sources that follow: The Geologic… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session 5, The Flood, Part 3 – Problems with the Dating Methods

In our last few posts we have been looking at the effects of the Biblical Flood on our geography and topography worldwide via the evidence found in places like the Grand Canyon. (click here for part 1 and, or part 2) However, most people don’t associate the Flood with the debate over the age of… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session 5, Part 2 – Global Flood Evidence from the Grand Canyon and beyond

This week we are continuing to make a case for creation by looking at evidence from geology that supports the Biblical account of a global flood. We are specifically looking at evidence from the Grand Canyon and the layered sediment that can be found, not only there, but across the continent and even worldwide. The… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session 5, Part 1 – Noah, the Ark and the Flood – Could it all be true?

This week we are starting Session 5 in our “Case for Creation” class. The topic for the next few weeks will be on the Biblical account of the “Flood.” This is a topic that is often ignored in Christian thought because it carries such high stakes in the Biblical narrative. If the “Flood” happened the… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session Three, Part 3 (b) – The Problem of Evolution

This week we are finishing the second part of “The Problem of Evolution” with evidence that shows the holes and inconsistencies with evolutionary theory when it comes to the origin of complex life. It is only fair to view the evidence from both sides because original creation and the origin of complex life by intelligent… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session Three, Part 3 (a) – The Problem of Evolution

This week we are continuing our “Case for Creation” series with “The Problem of Evolution.” We purposefully went out of order last week to cover “The Problem of Evil,” and now we return to take on the topic of evolution vs. creation to see which view has the best evidence for and against. This is… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: The Problem of Evil and the FALL of Man

This is an important topic for Christians to understand, and be able to give answers to those who ask about the hope that we have in Jesus. The Biblical worldview has answers for the question: “Why Evil?” but some people do not accept the answers. How then, does a world that does not believe in… Continue Reading

A Case for Creation: Session 3, Part 2 – Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 Explored

As we continue to build our case for Creation, it is important to take a close look at what The Bible is teaching when it comes to Genesis. Up to this point we have actually been focused on one verse, the first verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created…”. This statement… Continue Reading