Category Archives: A Case for Christianity

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 3, Part 4 – God’s provision for the promise of eternal security

Last week we covered question four in our “apologetics’ overview” on the topic of the human race, made in the image of God. We focused on the genetic transmission of characteristics coming, not so much from Adam and Eve, but from Noah and his three sons. The Biblical narrative of dispersion of people at the… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 3, Part 3 – The Biblical Flood, Noah’s Sons and The Dispersion

Last week we overviewed the answers for the first three questions in our Genesis Apologetics review: God’s existence, the problem of evil and the Biblical Flood of Noah’s day – not too deep for one post, right? Seriously, if you’d like to go deeper on those topics go back to last week’s post and you… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 3, Part 2 – An Apologetic Overview of the Creation, Fall and Flood

Last week we began session 3 with an overview of the book of Genesis and a detailed look at the Hebrew names for God given throughout the Old Testament, with an emphasis on those in the book of Genesis. An understanding of these names and their meaning to the Hebrew readers gives us a glimpse… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 3, Part 1 – An Overview of Genesis and the characteristic Names of God

Last week we concluded session two in our case for the Old Testament by looking at the big picture of the Bible and the connection between the Old and New Testament. We also practiced our Bible study skills, including the importance of cross-referencing, by answering questions from Genesis chapter 11:26 through chapter 14. This week… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 2, Part 3 – The importance of knowing the Big Picture in Bible Study

Over the last two posts we have been making a case for the reliability of the Old Testament through various lines of evidence. This includes evidence from ancient manuscripts, archeology, prophecy, science authenticity, saved lives and lines of transmission over time. Because of the abundance of evidence, and trust in the fact that it is… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 2, Part 2 – The Transmission

Last week we introduced some Christian Apologetics for the Old Testament, and the Bible in general, by using the Acronym MAPS-S. There is so much evidence for the reliability and accuracy of the Bible, so to help you remember some of that evidence let’s review what MAPS-S stand for : M = Manuscript evidence A… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Session 2, Part 1 – Resources and Reasons to study the Old Testament

Last week we finished our introduction session with an overview and application for Bible study using a basic hermeneutical method so that we have the proper background and context for our Old Testament study. This week we are looking at a few of the many resources that can help with Bible study in preparation of… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Introduction, Part 2 – The Importance of practicing proper Bible study

This week we are finishing our introduction session by looking at the importance of doing Bible study correctly. The Bible is not hard to understand, but for some reason many people think, at one extreme, that there is a hidden formula or secret, and at another extreme, some think they can dissect out any verse… Continue Reading

A Case for the Old Testament: Introduction – Part 1

This week we are starting a new class called “A Case for the Old Testament.” This class will combine Christian Apologetics with Bible study as we look at tough questions asked of Christians concerning the Old Testament. We will also look at the importance of Christians studying the Old Testament, because if you really want… Continue Reading