A Case for the Bible: Basic Answers for the Book of Joshua Chapters 17-20

Answers for a study in the book of Joshua” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your answers. Keep in mind these will be basic answers with a little depth, but you can go much deeper for discussion if you’d like.

Note: The answers will focus on what the text of the Bible says, and commentaries and speculative answers will be noted as such. There are many scholarly commentaries out there but it will be important, as students of the Bible, to keep the text of the Bible as our first source. Commentaries can be used, keeping in mind that they are human thoughts about God’s Word. Scripture references here are taken from the NASB, unless otherwise noted.

The Goal for the notes, questions and answers: Share and reuse to lead your own Bible study!

Note: Class presentation, videos, reflections and Bible study questions are posted on the weekend – Bible study answers (like these) are posted mid-week.

Review and Bible Study

Chapter 17: Territory of Manasseh

In this chapter we read about the territory for Manasseh (note: This would be a half of that tribe as the other half of the tribe already had land on the east of the Jordan). However, we read about one family in that tribe that had no male members, so God had previously allowed for an allotment that can go to the daughters, provided that they marry within their tribe, and now was the time they were claiming this promise. We also read how close Manasseh’s borders were with Ephraim, and even with part of Issachar and Asher. This tribe of Manasseh did not rid some of the land of the Canaanite inhabitants and eventually put them to forced labor. Joshua warned this tribe of Manasseh and Ephraim, since they were so large, to not stay in one land together but to taker the hill country and drive out the Canaanites.

Note: We can contrast the behavior of Caleb and his family, as they followed God’s commands in their land inheritance, with these tribes. We will see that later in the history during the time of the Judges, these tribes did not do as God commanded and allowed the Canaanites to dwell in that area as servants, and would suffer the consequences.

C = The Land Promise of the Abrahamic Covenant continues to be in view here along with the protection clause (or lack thereof) in the Mosaic Covenant.

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Discuss: Who were the women who requested land and why? What happened to this tribe as they tried to access their allotment of land?
  2. Research: Who was Manasseh, and why was this tribe divided into two halves?
  3. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter? Are there any prophetic passages in this chapter?

Chapter 18: Rest of the Land Divided; The Territory of Benjamin

The first part of this chapter reviews some of what had been decided, and Joshua had to reprimand some of the tribes for not going in and taking possession of their land. Joshua also cast lots for seven of the tribes so they would pursue the taking of their inheritance. We also notice that at this point Shiloh is designated as the meeting point and placement of the Tabernacle for the Nation of Israel to meet and worship. We also see a command that Joseph’s tribes (Ephraim and the half tribe of Manasseh) would stay to the north and Judah would stay to the south. Then in the second half of the chapter we read about the allotment of Benjamin that would basically be located between Joseph (Ephraim and the half tribe of Manasseh) and Judah.

C = The Land Promise of the Abrahamic Covenant continues to be in view here along with the protection clause (or lack thereof) in the Mosaic Covenant.

J = Jesus is referred to as “Shiloh” in Scripture, and His presence as God is always in the Tabernacle which was housed there (and later moved to the Temple built by Solomon in Jerusalem). We see this in the prophetic statement made by Jacob (Israel) to his son Judah (the “Seed” carrier of the promised Messiah:

“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.”  Genesis 49:10 (NASB)

Note: We know that today Jesus “Tabernacles” with us and the He has given us the Holy Spirit so that no one needs to go to a specific place to worship, and pray to, God.

More Prophecy = We will see the Northern Tribes of Israel pitted against the Southern Tribe of Judah later on in the history of Israel after the time of the Kings: Saul, David and Solomon. The tribe of Judah is the promised “Seed” line of Messiah and will survive future conquests and assimilation into surrounding pagan nations. We also see Benjamin’s tribe situated in between Judah and Ephraim as a buffer, as these two tribes will represent the North and South in struggles and war later on.

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Discuss: What tribes were referenced in this chapter, and why?
  2. Research: Where was Shilo, why was it important and what can we know about it historically (going forward in Israel’s history)?
  3. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter? Are there any prophetic passages in this chapter?
  4. Extra-Extra: Research “the valley of Ben-hinnom” – What happened there and what did its name come to represent?

Chapter Nineteen: Territory of Simeon; Territory of Zebulun; Territory of Issachar; Territory of Asher; Territory of Naphtali; Territory of Dan

In this chapter we read about the tribes (6 from the previous chapter as Benjamin was discussed there) and the specific allotment of land given to them in the casting of lots. We note that since Judah’s land was so big, part of it was given to Simeon. At the end of the chapter, we find the fulfillment of the promise to Joshua as commanded by the LORD for an inheritance in the land, specifically the city for which he asked, Timnath-serah in the hill country of Ephraim, for him and his family; and thus, they finished dividing the land.

C = The Land Promise of the Abrahamic Covenant continues to be in view here (although they had not yet conquered all the land), along with the protection clause (or lack thereof) in the Mosaic Covenant.

Note: The tribe of Dan did not go into all of their land and instead settled in a lesser place (and history will show that they never completely finish God’s command to take the land).

Prophecy = These boundaries fulfilled the promised inheritance to each tribe that began to be given as early as the days of Jacob (Genesis 48:21-22).

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Discuss: Review these six tribes and anything that stands out about their allotments?
  2. Research: Read Genesis chapter 48:17 through chapter 49. What do you notice about the prophecies Jacob speaks over his twelve sons as it relates to the land they received (or anything else you know about those tribes)?
  3. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter? Are there any prophetic passages in this chapter?

Special Cities Set Aside

Chapter 20: Six Cities of Refuge

This chapter fulfills Moses direction given in the Law that when they entered and possessed the Land they would set aside “cities of refuge” where people who kill someone unintentionally may flee until either he is judged, or until the death of the High Priest which would release the accused from the guilt of the crime. The purpose of these cities was to prevent injustice, especially in the case of revenge. The Levites were to be in charge of these cities.

C = This fulfilled a specific command by the LORD in the Law given to Moses (Mosaic Covenant) in order to govern the people fairly and protect them from injustice.

J = We see a foreshadow of Jesus in the Law where the death of the High Priest releases a person from the guilt of that crime. The sacrificial death of Jesus releases all of us from the penalty of death for our sins because He took that penalty on Himself and then defeated death by Resurrecting and providing us a path for eternal life.

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Discuss: What are cities of refuge (what are they for)?
  2. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter? Are there any prophetic passages in this chapter?

Please join us each week as we continue our case for the Bible and a study in the book of Joshua!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

Click into the resource page of this website to view many of the top Christian thinkers and apologists along with some of their work; connecting to these types of resources is essential in your Christian growth.

Please let me know what you think: Give feedback, ask questions or send concerns in the comment section of the blog.

Teri Dugan


1 Peter 3:15

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