A Case for the Bible: Basic Answers for the Book of Joshua Chapters 13-16

Answers for a study in the book of Joshua” is a weekly post in addition to the regular “apologetics” posts on the weekend where the original questions can be found at the bottom of the study, and then answers appear here mid-week. This gives you time to do your own research, and then check your answers. Keep in mind these will be basic answers with a little depth, but you can go much deeper for discussion if you’d like.

Note: The answers will focus on what the text of the Bible says, and commentaries and speculative answers will be noted as such. There are many scholarly commentaries out there but it will be important, as students of the Bible, to keep the text of the Bible as our first source. Commentaries can be used, keeping in mind that they are human thoughts about God’s Word. Scripture references here are taken from the NASB, unless otherwise noted.

The Goal for the notes, questions and answers: Share and reuse to lead your own Bible study!

Note: Class presentation, videos, reflections and Bible study questions are posted on the weekend – Bible study answers (like these) are posted mid-week.

Review and Bible Study


Chapter 13: The Tribes begin to receive their land

In this chapter we read that Joshua was now old and advanced in years, and God tells him that there is still land that has not been conquered, yet God said that He would drive them out (may be prophetic/end times when this is completely fulfilled). This was most likely due to disobedience to God’s commands going forward, as the history will show that they did not finish this campaign (see verse 13). God then assigns the land to nine tribes (Simeon, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Benjamin, Ephraim) and a half tribe of Manasseh on the west of the Jordan; and the land to the east was previously assigned by Moses to the other half of Manasseh, the Reubenites and Gadites. The Levites did not receive land because they were to serve the LORD as Priests in the Land.

C = The Land Promise is in view here from the Abrahamic Covenant and we see the dividing of the land to the tribes (yet there was, and will be much of the land left unconquered, mainly due to the disobedience of the people going forward). According the Mosaic Law, the Tribe of Levi would not inherit land as they were to be priests to the Nation (they will live among the various tribes).

J = We know that Jesus will come from the line/seed of Judah, and there protection here because they were the largest tribe, and received the largest allotment of land.

Prophecy = Through Jacob’s original blessing of his sons (Genesis 49) and Moses’ blessing of the 12 tribes (Deuteronomy 33) the type of land each tribe would receive was already known. We can note that there is often an interesting connection between the land a tribe received and the character of the tribes’ founder. For example, because of Joseph’s godly character (Gen. 49:22-26) his sons Ephraim and Manasseh were given the richest, most fertile land. Judah received the largest portion (he had repented and offered himself as a sacrifice before Joseph). Reuben, who slept with one of his father’s wives was given desert land!

The Twelve Tribes of Israel and their notable Biblical descendants:

  1. Reuben………..none
  2. Simeon………..none
  3. Levi…………….Aaron, Moses, Eli, John the Baptist
  4. Judah…………..David, Joseph and Mary, Jesus
  5. Zebulun……….none
  6. Issachar……….none
  7. Dan……………..Samson
  8. Gad……………..none
  9. Asher…………..none
  10. Naphtali……….Barak, (possibly Elijah the prophet)
  11. Joseph*…….….Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samuel
  12. Benjamin………Saul, Esther, the Apostle Paul

*Joseph’s tribe is later split into two tribes: Ephraim and Manasseh

After the time of the United Kingdom of Israel under Saul, David and Solomon, ten tribes – Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali and Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) became the Norther Tribe of Israel and eventually fell to Assyria who assimilated them into other people groups where they eventually became known as “Samaritans” at the time of Jesus.

The two tribes of Judah and Benjamin stayed in the south in and around Jerusalem and were known as the Southern Kingdom of Judah. They were eventually captured and exiled to Babylon, but were allowed to return after 70 years. They became known as the Jewish people up through the time of Jesus, and were in constant strife with the Samaritans.

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Discuss: Was there land left that Israel had not yet conquered, and if so, why?
  2. Research: What do you know, or what can you find out about the twelve tribes of Israel (who are they, what is their history, and what is known about them going forward)? Why did the tribe of Levi not have land given to them? Note: You can use resources like gotquestions.org
  3. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter?

Chapter 14: Caleb’s Request

In this chapter we read a summary review of the nine and one-half tribes that received land on the west of the Jordan, and the others had already received land east of the Jordan. Caleb, who was from the tribe of Judah, came to Joshua to request the land in the hill country that the LORD had promised him through Moses on that day they were faithful in their report of the land; it was only Caleb and Joshua who were left from that generation because they believed in what God had said and trusted in His promise. So, Joshua blessed him and gave Hebron to him as an inheritance. We also note, that at this time the land had rest from war.

C = The Land Promise is in view again here from the Abrahamic Covenant and we see the review of the dividing of the land to the tribes (Joseph’s is split between Ephraim and Manasseh), and as according the Mosaic Law, the Tribe of Levi would not inherit land as they were to be priests to the Nation (they were to live among the various tribes).

J = We see Joshua acting on behalf of the LORD here (as a picture of Jesus) in that he blessed Caleb, and gave him the land promised to him and his family by God previously through Moses. Joshua pictures Jesus in that he is always mediating between the people and the LORD, just as Jesus does for us today. 

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Research: Who was Caleb and what do we know about his story and character from Scripture (Numbers-Deuteronomy)?
  2. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter?

Chapter 15: Territory of Judah

In this chapter we get the allotment of land for the tribe of Judah. We get the specific boundaries and descriptions of the land for Judah, including cities and territories. We also get a side story of Caleb’s family and conquest of the land promised to him. Caleb pledges to give his daughter, Achsah, to the man who captures Kiriath-sepher. Othniel, the son of Kenaz, brother of Caleb captured it and so he married Achsah. We also read about Caleb’s daughter requesting springs of water to go with the land she and Othniel were given, and Caleb gave them the upper and lower springs near the Negev which was the land given to them. We also learn that the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, were not driven out (as they should have been according to God’s command), and they lived with the tribe of Judah.

Note: Othniel becomes the first judge of Israel after the death of Joshua, and as God promised, this continued Caleb’s legacy of faithfulness to the next generation.

C = The Abrahamic land promise continues here with the tribe of Judah. A broken command will come back to haunt Judah with the inhabitants known as the Jebusites.

J = Jesus’ ancestors were in the tribe of Judah, and thus were living in this new land under the protection and blessing of God. It would have most likely been Salmon and Rahab who will have a son Boaz (who married Ruth), who will have a son Obed, who will have a son Jesse, who will have a son we know as King David. Since Jesus will come from the line/seed of Judah, there is protection here because they were the largest tribe, and they received the largest allotment of land.

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Discuss: What is special about the tribe of Judah, and why do you think they got the largest allotment of land?
  2. Do a “gotquestions.org” research on the following:
    • Who is Othniel, and what can we know about him from the book of Judges?
    • Who were the Jebusites?
  3. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter?

Chapter 16: Territory of Ephraim

In this chapter we read about the allotment of land given to Ephraim. We also note that they did not drive out, as they were commanded by God, the Canaanites who lived in Gezer, and they became forced labor for Ephraim.

Note: Ephraim was the younger son of Joseph, and Joseph’s father gave Joseph a double portion of the blessing (as the favored son). This blessing also included Ephraim, even though he was younger, being given the honor of firstborn, and his tribe was given the largest allotment of land and eventually the greatest influence on the northern tribes later in the history of Israel.

Additional Note: The book of Judges will begin to record many of the consequences the Nation of Israel will incur due to their disobedience in not driving out all of the people of the land.

C = The Abrahamic land promise continues here with the tribe of Ephraim. A broken command will come back to haunt them as they did not completely drive out the Canaanites from their land.

Leader Focus Questions for summary discussion:

  1. Discuss: What did this tribe not do that might hurt them in the future and why?
  2. Research: Who was Ephraim, and why did this tribe get a special blessing as the largest settlement in the north?
  3. Going Deeper/Advanced: Are there any Covenants in view in this chapter? Is there a picture of Jesus in this chapter?

Please join us each week as we continue our case for the Bible and a study in the book of Joshua!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

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Teri Dugan


1 Peter 3:15

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