A Case for Christianity: The Tower of Babel, the Table of Nations and Genesis chapter 11

This week we are continuing with our “Case for Genesis” with a presentation on the Tower of Babel and the Table of Nations. This leads us into the person of Abraham whom God gives a specific Covenant that will unfold throughout the rest of the Old Testament. The importance of Genesis for Christians cannot be minimized as it is the foundational book for the rest of the Biblical narrative, and most importantly it points in so many ways to the person of Jesus!

Watch this week’s class presentation on this topic:

Overview Notes from the presentation

A Case for Genesis

The Tower of Babel and the Table of Nations


Prayer cards: Take a minute and write your name on the index card provided, and add any special prayer request you might have. Exchange cards at the end of the class this evening.

  1. Review and recite the twelve points to the Bible’s Big Picture (5 in the Old Testament, 7 in the New Testament).
  2. After last week’s presentation, what are your thoughts about the dinosaurs in reference to the Flood?


  1. The Tower of Babel – What is the origin of the races and languages?
  2. The Table of Nations – What is the significance of the Biblical genealogies?

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

(God speaking)…Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth and they stopped building the city.

Genesis 11:1, 4, 7-8 (NIV)

Where did the races, multiplicity of languages and cultures come from?

Major Historical Event: The Tower of Babel

Genesis Chapter 11

  • The people had disobeyed God’s command to fill the earth after the Flood so God confused their languages
  • When languages are confused the intention and purpose of the people become confused
  • Humankind began to spread out among the continents with those of similar language
  • Through adaptations and similarity in the DNA, people groups and cultures developed

What do we know about adaptations today?

  • Modern biology gives us new insights to the characteristics and traits of living things based on their DNA
  • The DNA contains chromosomes that contain genes in pairs called alleles
  • Each parent gives one allele to their offspring for every trait and characteristic, thus the combination of possibilities in offspring is abundant

Characteristics and traits are observed in two ways:

  1. Phenotype: The physical appearance
  1. Genotype: The pair of genes that are carried by a person that code for a specific trait. Each person carries a pair of gene alleles but only one from each parent is passed on to an offspring. 

For example:

  • Dark skin = Dominant genes will always produce this physical appearance and dominant alleles (part of the gene) cover up recessive alleles when paired with them
  • Light skin = Produced by recessive genes (a person with only one allele is a carrier)—to get the physical appearance they must have received both parents’ recessive alleles
  • Variation of skin color = Heterozygous genes—A person who has both dominant and recessive genes (alleles) will usually have a darker physical appearance but can have offspring that are both dark and light (this can include incomplete dominance that allows for variations)

Current understanding of DNA gives us insight to skin color differences (and other traits) based on dominant and recessive genes

Biology quiz: What phenotype (appearance) and genotype (genes) did Adam and Eve have?

Answer: In order to have children with the possibility of all skin colors they had to be middle brown (phenotype) with heterozygous genotypes:

  • All combinations of skin color; eye color; tall/short; curly/straight hair; ear shape; nose shape; etc., are possible with parents who are both heterozygous.
  • Adam and Eve would have been heterozygous for all traits (Noah and his wife would have been as well)

In Biology gene alleles in the DNA are assigned letters. For example, let’s assign dark hair with an A and therefore light hair would be a. Let’s assign dark eyes with B and light eyes with b.

A=dominant trait  a=recessive trait

B=dominant trait  b=recessive trait

Note: Dominant traits will always show in the phenotype (the physical appearance). Recessive traits can be carried and will only show when the offspring gets both recessive gene alleles from their parents.

If Adam and Eve are heterozygous in both traits they will carry both gene alleles in their genotype, but their phenotype (physical appearance) will display the dominant trait of dark:

Adam=AaBb    Eve=AaBb

There are only three possible parent types. Adam and Eve would have to be in category 3:

1.  AABB = Dominant (can only have AABB children who will have the dark traits displayed in the phenotype)

  MomDad  = Kids

  AABB  +  AABB  =  AABB

2.  aabb = Recessive (can only have aabb children who will have the light traits displayed in the phenotype)


  aabb  +  aabb  =  aabb

3.  AaBb = Heterozygous (can have all combinations)


 AaBb  +  AaBb  =  AABB/aabb/AaBb

Note: This is a simplified explanation of complicated genetics and DNA coding from an introductory Biology course.

What is the importance of the genealogies?

They show the lineage to the promised Messiah – Jesus!

Major Historical Player: Shem

Major Historical Player: Abraham

“When He began His ministry, Jesus Himself was about thirty years old, being, as was commonly held, the son of Joseph, the son of Eli, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Melchi, the son of Jannai, the son of Joseph, the son of Mattathias, the son of Amos, the son of Nahum, the son of Hesli, the son of Naggai, the son of Maath, the son of Mattathias, the son of Semein, the son of Josech, the son of Joda, the son of Joanan, the son of Rhesa, the son of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, the son of Neri, the son of Melchi, the son of Addi, the son of Cosam, the son of Elmadam, the son of Er, the son of Joshua, the son of Eliezer, the son of Jorim, the son of Matthat, the son of Levi, the son of Simeon, the son of Judah, the son of Joseph, the son of Jonam, the son of Eliakim, the son of Melea, the son of Menna, the son of Mattatha, the son of Nathan, the son of David, the son of Jesse, the son of Obed, the son of Boaz, the son of Salmon, the son of Nahshon, the son of Amminadab, the son of Admin, the son of Ram, the son of Hezron, the son of Perez, the son of Judah, the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the son of Terah, the son of Nahor, the son of Serug, the son of Reu, the son of Peleg, the son of Heber, the son of Shelah, the son of Cainan, the son of Arphaxad, the son of Shem, the son of Noah, the son of Lamech, the son of Methuselah, the son of Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalaleel, the son of Cainan, the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.”  Luke 3:23-38 (NASB)

Major Theological Event:
The Abrahamic Covenant

As we end this study it is important to see where God is taking the “Scarlet Thread” and the “Covenant Promise” which He will now unfold to Abraham.

It includes three things:

  1. Land (the Promised Land of Israel where every important event will take place)
  2. Nation (Israel—the people group that would carry the Scarlet Thread)
  3. Blessing (the Messiah, Jesus)

Genesis 12:1-3 (NASB)

Now the Lord said to Abram, go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father’s house, to the land which I will show you; and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; and so you shall be a blessing; and I will bless those who bless you, and the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

Abrahamic Covenant unfolds…

  • This Covenant Promise will be passed down, and reaffirmed by God, to Abraham’s son Isaac, then to his son Jacob (who is renamed Israel by God), then on to the twelve tribes (sons) of Israel, specifically through the tribe of Judah.
  • Later on, we find this Covenant expanded as it is given to the Nation of Israel through Moses in the form of the Law.
  • About 500 years later the Covenant is specified through the Royal line of David (who is from the tribe of Judah)
  • Many of the prophets, over several hundred years, proclaim and predict specific events and times in which the Messiah, Jesus, would appear to fulfill the promises of God given in all the Old Testament Covenants.

The New Covenant

  • Jesus is the promise of the “New Covenant” and He fulfills all the requirements of the Original Promise and the hundreds of prophecies!
  • Jesus is the “Scarlet Thread of the Bible”

Jesus changes everything!!!

Going Deeper

isgenesishistory.com – Is Genesis History? – Documentary, video clips, lectures and more

searchcreation.org – Search 1000’s of questions for answers on Genesis and creation topics

genesisapologetics.com – Easy-to-understand web, video, and written products for pastors, parents, and students. The materials are “core” to the Creationist position

creation.com – (CMI) Creation Ministries International’s website: Speakers, videos, articles, tours and more (including topics on aliens and dinosaurs!)

creationtoday.org – A Community oriented group hosted by Eric Hovind with weekly interviews, podcasts and an online community

creationministries.org – Recommended Book: “The Cost” by Russ Miller – See his website for more materials and Grand Canyon tours

answersingenesis.org – Books, articles and conferences geared for all ages, with excellent resources for children; designer and host of “the Ark Encounter” in Williamstown, KY

icr.org – Academic experts from all fields of science related to creation and Genesis; designer and host of the “Creation Museum” in Dallas, TX

Bible Study

Each week we will have Bible study following the presentation. There will be questions presented here on the weekend, and basic answers will be posted mid-week for your review. This can also be used to make a leader’s guide for your own small group and future studies!

Always remember to pray before you study and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and lead you into the truth found in God’s Word – pray for protection from the evil one who will try to discourage, distract and deceive us when we commit to growing closer to the LORD.

1.  Review of Class Topic:

With your table group, discuss today’s presentation by summarizing what you learned, commenting or asking any questions.

Read Genesis Chapter 11 with your group then, to the best of your ability, answer the following questions:

2.  Chapter 11 goes back into chapter 10 and tells the story of what happened after the flood. What did the people gather to do in the Plain of Shinar, and why (11:1-4)? Do we know what kind of ancient structure this was, if so, describe it?

3.  What was God’s response to what the people were doing in Shinar, and why (11:5-8)?

4.  Cross-reference any other Biblical mentions of the Tower of Babel. For more insight read Luke 1:46-55 (from Mary’s song to God), and focus on verse 51 to help with the question of both why they did it, and why God responded the way He did.

5.  Going Deeper: What was the city called after this event, and why (11:9)? Do you know anything about this place later on in the Bible, and does this city still exist today?

Please continue to join us each week as we make a case for Christianity and Genesis!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

Click into the resource page of this website to view many of the top Christian thinkers and apologists along with some of their work; connecting to these types of resources is essential in your Christian growth.

Please let me know what you think: Give feedback, ask questions or send concerns in the comment section of the blog.

Teri Dugan


1 Peter 3:15

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