A Case for Christianity, Foundational Truths: Session 4, Part Two – How Do We Know God Exists?

This week we will again look at the third of several questions that will be covered in this class: Q3 How do we know God Exists? We will cover some additional tactical answers for that question, in addition to the ones we covered last week. For the second half of class each week we will continue our Bible study practice in the book of Exodus. All sessions include a time for prayer and reflection, an “apologetics” presentation, and a Bible study piece. You will also find the presentation notes, Bible study survey format, Bible study example answers, and additional resources below.

Watch this week’s class presentation on this topic:

Session 4, Part Two: Does God Exist?

The truth claim in Christianity


Prayer cards: Take a minute and write your name on the index card provided, and add any special prayer request you might have. Exchange cards at the end of the class this evening.

At your table groups, do the following:

1.Review the tactics we covered last week for the question: Q3: How do we know God exists?

2.Recite the Memory Verse(s):

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”  Proverbs 3:5-6 (NASB)

Presentation Notes


Q3. How Do We Know God Exists?
Tactics in answering


A quote from the University of Oregon

“Anthropic Principle: The success of science in understanding the macroscopic, microscopic and cosmological worlds has led to the strong belief that it is possible to form a fully scientific explanation of any feature of the Universe. However, in the past 20 years our understanding of physics and biology has noted a peculiar specialness to our Universe, a specialness with regard to the existence of intelligent life.”

Anthropic means relating to human being or their existence.” Principle means “law.” The Anthropic Principle is the Law of Human Existence. It is well known that our existence in this universe depends on numerous cosmological constants and parameters whose numerical values must fall within a very narrow range of values. If even a single variable were off, even slightly, we would not exist. The extreme improbability that so many variables would align so auspiciously in our favor merely by chance has led some scientists and philosophers to propose instead that it was God who providentially engineered the universe to suit our specific needs. This is the Anthropic Principle: that the universe appears to have been fine-tuned for our existence.”


Evidence #1) The Anthropic Principal – The Fine Tuning of the Universe

  • All the seemingly arbitrary and unrelated constants in physics have one strange thing in common – these are precisely the values you need if you want a universe capable of producing life.
  • There are over 100 constants that we find in nature. If any one of these constants was off by a percent of a billionth there could be no biologically based life on earth or anywhere in the universe.
  • These constants must be maintained on a balance thinner than a razor’s edge:

Examples of Anthropic Constants

  1. Oxygen level:

21% of the atmosphere is oxygen, if it was at 25% – fires would erupt spontaneously, if it was at 15% – human beings would suffocate.

  1. Moon-Earth gravitational interaction:

If the gravitational pull were a few degrees greater then tidal effect on the oceans would be too severe, if less, orbital changes would cause climatic instabilities, in either event life would be impossible.

  1. Carbon dioxide level:

If sustained at a higher level a runaway greenhouse effect would develop and we would all burn up, if lower, plants would not be able to maintain efficient photosynthesis and we would all suffocate.

  1. Strong and weak nuclear force:

If at a greater or weaker force then elements could never form and the atom could not hold together.

  1. Gravitational force:

If altered by 0.37 of 1 percent our sun would not exist and neither would we.

  1. Centrifugal force:

If the force of planetary movements did not precisely balance the gravitational forces, nothing could be held in orbit around the sun.

  1. Expansion rate of the universe:

If at a rate one-millionth slower expansion would have stopped and the universe would have collapsed on itself before any stars had formed, if faster then no galaxies would have ever formed.

  1. Atmospheric water vapor levels:

If greater a runaway greenhouse effect would cause temperatures to rise too high for human life, if less an insufficient greenhouse effect would make the earth too cold to support human life.

  1. Jupiter’s orbit related to its protection for Earth:

If Jupiter were not in its current orbit the Earth would be bombarded with space material—Jupiter’s gravitational field acts as a cosmic vacuum cleaner, attracting asteroids and comets that might otherwise strike the Earth.

  1. The thickness of the Earth’s crust:

If thicker too much oxygen would be transferred to the crust therefore not enough left to support life, if thinner volcanic and tectonic activity would make life impossible.

  1. Earth’s rotational speed:

If the rotation of the Earth took longer than 24 hours temperature differences would be too great between night and day, if shorter than 24 hours atmospheric wind velocities would be too great to sustain life.

  1. Earth’s axial tilt:

The 23-degree tilt is just right, if altered slightly the surface temperatures would become too extreme to support life.

“If we nudge one of these constants just a few percent in one direction, stars burn out within a million years of their formation. If we nudge it a few percent in the other direction, then no elements heavier than helium form. No carbon, no life. Not even any chemistry. No complexity at all.”

Dr. David D. Deutsch,

Institute of Mathematics at Oxford University

“The unexpected, counterintuitive, and stunningly precise setting of the cosmological constant is widely regarded as the single greatest problem facing physics and cosmology today. There is no way we can really comprehend it. This fine-tuning has conservatively been estimated to be at least one part in a hundred million billion, billion, billion, billion, billion—that would be a ten followed by 53 zeroes. That’s inconceivable precise.

Dr. Robin Collins, Mathematics,

Philosophy and Physics professor

Collins put it in another way to illustrate this extreme mathematical improbability:

“It would be like successfully hitting a bull’s eye that’s one trillionth of a trillionth of an inch in diameter. That’s less than the size of one solitary atom.” 

Evidence #2) The Anthropic Principal – The Fine Tuning in Biochemistry

Evidence of Design in Biochemistry:  

Evidence from inside our bodies, and the information codes contained therein, point to design, not simple design but highly intelligent design!

Noted Atheists admit design

  • Richard Dawkins, noted Biologist and Atheist, in his book “The Blind Watchmaker,” said… “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been*designed for a *purpose.”
  • Francis Crick, Nobel prize winning scientist for the discovery of the structure of DNA has said… “Even though things often give the appearance of being*designed, we must constantly keep in mind that what we see is not designed but rather evolved.”

Examples of fine tuning in biochemistry…

  1. Irreducible complexity seen in molecular machines working inside living cells

Irreducible complexity:

A single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning… Any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a part is, by definition, nonfunctional.

As an example, Dr. Michael Behe uses the simple illustration of a mousetrap

“If any one of the small parts of a mousetrap is missing then the trap cannot work at all. Because all the parts are required to be there at the same time (they cannot slowly or incrementally be added) the trap by definition is irreducibly complex.”

Other examples of structures that are irreducibly complex:

  • Bacterial Flagellum
  • The structure of the eye
  • The blood clotting factor
  • The cochlea of the ear
  1. The information in biochemistry:

The cell and its organelles—a microscopic manufacturing plant

The inside of a cell (a tenth of the size of the head of a pin) has a manufacturing system unlike any human design ever seen. The human body contains over 36 trillion cells, each with its own system within a system, within a system, within a system etc., and each individual cell contains instructions on how to maintain and manufacture what it needs to maintain the organism’s health throughout its lifetime.

Information, the evidence from DNA

What is DNA?

  • DNA is found in the cells of all living things
  • A cell is the basic unit of life and a complicated molecular machine and is made up of about three billion units of DNA
  • DNA contains information encoded on strands that make up our genes—these genes are found on chromosomes located inside the nucleus of the cell
  • DNA has coded instructions on how to build and maintain the systems of the body (the genetic code)

“To the skeptic, the proposition that the genetic programmes of higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million bits of information, equivalent to the sequence of letters in a small library of one thousand volumes, containing in encoded form countless thousands of intricate algorithms controlling, specifying and ordering the growth and development of billions and billions of cells into the form of a complex organism, were composed by a purely random process is simply an affront to reason. But to the Darwinist the idea is accepted without a ripple of doubt – the paradigm takes precedence!”
Michael Denton, “Evolution: A Theory In Crisis”

Laminin: A protein adhesion molecule in our bodies that is in the shape of a cross!

“For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.

Colossians 1:16-17

“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them.”  

Psalm 139:13-16

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” 

Romans 1:20

Concluding Thoughts

If intelligent design is the best answer for the evidence found in search for the cause of the universe and life itself, who then is this designer?

From the Christian Worldview:

  • The God of the Bible and His nature best fits this description of an intelligent designer.
  • The arguments from cosmology, teleology and anthropic principal give us two insights to this designer – one is scientific, the other is personal.
  • Does the Bible show us a Creator-God that has complete control and order over His creation (science), with a plan and ultimate purpose for His creation (personal)?  

YES and YES!!!

Going Deeper

“The Case for A Creator,” Full Documentary, by Lee Strobel on DVD or YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bice8EnJFsU

“The Privileged Planet” by Illustra Media on DVD or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmIc42oRjm8

(Book) “The Ultimate Proof of Creation” by Dr.  Jason Lisle

(Book) “God’s Crime Scene,” by J. Warner Wallace, see the Full Presentation at Apologetics Canada Conference on YouTube:




Bible Study Survey Format

Old Testament

Category:         Torah                                

Book:                 Exodus                             

1. Author: Who wrote the book and when? (Include anything you can find about the author and when it was written)
2. Audience: Who was it written to? (Include anything you can find about the people, the culture or societal norms, of that time period)
3. Purpose: Why was it written? (Include anything you can find about their circumstances and what was, or had been, going on)
4. Content: What is in each chapter? (Include chapter by chapter titles and a short summary – no more than 3-5 sentences – Keep in mind #5 and #6 and mark a chapter accordingly)
5. Going Deeper: What are the major Covenants found in this book? (Include new ones or ones that relate back to Genesis and mark (C); you can also include any major events here)
6. Finding Jesus: Where is Jesus? Include any appearances (JA), foreshadows (JF) or prophecies (JP)?
7. Application: How can this book and its teachings apply to us today? (Answers will vary, but can include personal, cultural or timeless teachings for us today)
8. The Shelf: What questions or comments do you have about this book? (Answers will vary, but can include things you didn’t understand or things you want to learn more about)

This week we are concluding the book of Exodus by discussing #5 through #8 of the survey format from last week’s homework.


The following are example answers for your review for chapters 31-40 (your answers may be different, but you may want to add anything here that would help you see the big picture of the book)…

Chapter 31: The Skilled Craftsmen; The Sign of the Sabbath

In this chapter we read about the man that God called, and filled with the Spirit of God, Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, to be the craftsman and builder of God’s Temple and Garments for the Priests. He also called others to help him with the building of these things. God also reaffirms the importance, and holiness, of observing the Sabbath with the people of Israel. This observation of the Sabbath is to be done “throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant.” This is important to God because He clearly says in verse 17 “It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, but the seventh day He ceased from labor, and was refreshed.”

In Application: We can observe three things in the last two verses: 1) that God says He actually made the heavens and earth in six days, and rested on the seventh; 2) He gave this as a model for the work-week that many around the world still follow today because, as we know from medical research today, rest is of vital importance to the health of the human body; 3) Verse 18 tells us that God “gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God.” God actually wrote some of what was given to Moses in the Law and it appears namely the Ten Commandments (confirmed in v. 28 in chapter 34)!

Chapter 32: The People of Israel begin to break God’s Law; The Golden Calf; Moses’ Entreaty; Moses’ Anger With the People

Here we find the people so quickly turning away from the worship and trust in the one true God, as will happen over and over again. They will ask Aaron to make an idol for them to worship because Moses had taken too long to come down from the mountain, and they began to “party.” God, in His righteous justice, is ready to kill the people for this sin, but Moses acts as an intercessor and entreats the LORD on behalf of the people, and by calling on God’s Covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When Moses came down from the mountain with Joshua and the stone tablets, he found the people out of control, and he threw down the tablets, burned the golden calf idol and made the people drink of the water where he scattered it. We also read that Aaron either lied and made excuses for his actions, or demonic activity took over what had happened, either way, Aaron was responsible, and about 3000 died that day by the sword to stop the rebellion; and still Moses returned back up to the LORD on the mountain to plead for the people.

C = v. 13 Moses calls on God’s Covenant Promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

JA/JF = v. 34 God tells Moses “Behold, My angel shall go before you”

Chapter 33: The Journey Resumed; Moses Intercedes and Receives a Glimpse of God’s Glory

God directs Moses to take the people towards the Promised Land, but God would not be in their midst because of their sin. However, God would still meet with Moses in the tent of the meeting. At the end of this chapter Moses speaks to God directly on behalf of himself and the people, and he is given a glimpse of the full Glory of the LORD.

Note:We begin to notice the faithfulness of Joshua here and in previous chapters where he was found by Moses’ side, and always near to the LORD.

C = v. 1, 10-28 God reconfirms the Covenant Promise through Moses with the people (Promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Land Promise)

JA = v. 9, 11 Moses met face to face with God (Jesus is the physical representation of God).

Chapter 34: The Tablets Replaced; The Covenant Renewed; Moses’ Face Shines

Moses, goes back on the mountain with the LORD, and meets with Him to receive new tablets just as before (to replace the ones that had been shattered). Here God again renews the Covenant through Moses with the people, and this is a conditional covenant because it there is protection for obedience and loss of that protection for disobedience. Each time Moses came out from meeting with the LORD his face shined so brightly he had to wear a veil.  

C = v. 10-28 God reconfirms and renews the Covenant Promise through Moses with the people (Promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Land Promise) and this becomes the conditional covenant known as the Mosaic Covenant – protection and success for obedience and loss of that protection and loss of that protection for disobedience.

JA = v. 34-35 Moses meeting with the LORD

Chapter 35: The Construction of the Tabernacle; The Sabbath Emphasized; Tabernacle Workmen; Gifts Received

In this chapter God reemphasized the importance of the work week, and resting on the Sabbath (so much so that working on the Sabbath is punishable by death). God also told Moses to have the congregation give tribute (“those of a willing heart” v. 5) to help build the Tabernacle and Priestly Garments. There was also a call for skilled workers to come forward to work on the Tabernacle and all the things within. The last part is about all the people who gave of what they could in possessions and talents for the Tabernacle construction and how God filled certain men with the needed skills for this task.

Note: This was a giving of the heart, not a mandatory requirement (similar to the New Testament call of giving).

Chapter 36: The Tabernacle Underwritten; Tabernacle Construction Proceeds

We read in this chapter how the people had brought so much that they had more than they needed to do the work, and therefore Moses commanded them to stop bringing contributions. We get a lot of detail here concerning the construction of the Tabernacle and the items therein. This is important as a blueprint and could be used for future construction (as we will see later in the design of the Temple).

Chapter 37: Construction of the Tabernacle Continues

Here we continue to get details concerning the important construction of the Tabernacle and its key pieces.

Note:These are the key Tabernacle pieces described: Ark of the Testimony; Mercy Seat; Veil; Table; Bread of the Presence; Lampstands and Lamps; Altar of Incense; Anointing Oil; altar of Burnt Offering; Basin.

JF = The Tabernacle and all of the key pieces in some form or another, point to the person of Jesus, the Messiah who fulfills all that is pictured and promised.

Chapter 38: The Tabernacle Completed; The Cost of the Tabernacle

In this chapter we get more details on the construction, and the people whom God gifted with specific skills, along the actual cost in material of that day in talents, shekels and valuable textiles.

Chapter 39: The Priestly Garments

Here we get more specific details in the weaving, designing and material used in making the Priestly Garments. Of special note, we find that the twelve stones that were on the shoulder piece of the ephod of the garment, represent the twelve tribes of Israel. The breastpiece also contained pockets that held two stones or plates called the Urim and Thummim. The high priest could determine God’s will for the nation by consulting the Urim ant Thummim, and will be used down through the history of Israel for some time to come.

Chapter 40: The Tabernacle Erected; The Glory of the LORD

In this final chapter we read about God’s direction to Moses concerning the setting up of the Tabernacle, and all its items, on the first day of the month. This including anointing the Priests and the Tabernacle and purifying them because of the importance of God’s holiness. Moses did all that the LORD instructed and thus Moses finished the work. We read in the final part of this chapter about the Glory of the LORD, and that Moses and the Priests could not enter (because God’s full Glory was there). The chapter finishes as follows:

The Glory of the LORD and The Tabernacle:

Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. Throughout all their journeys whenever the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the sons of Israel would set out; but if the cloud was not taken up, then they did not set out until the day when it was taken up. For throughout all their journeys, the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.

Exodus 40:34-38 (NASB)

Concluding thoughts on Exodus:

  • Solomon later built the Temple to replace the Tabernacle where God would dwell with the people.
  • The Tabernacle gives us not only a picture of heaven but, a picture of Jesus as God with them and a picture of what he will do in sacrifice and in intercession for us all.
  • The veil of the Temple was torn at the crucifixion so that people would not need a priest to go before God on their behalf anymore, we can now come to God the father directly because of Jesus as He is the way we can “Tabernacle” with God.
  • Note: Later we will read that each tribe was stationed in relationship to the Tabernacle when they camped: East– Judah, the lion (where the entrance was – note: Jesus was of the tribe of Judah); North – Dan, the eagle; West – Ephraim, the ox; South – Reuben, man.
  • From a teaching by Skip Heitzig: “There was only one door into the Tabernacle, just as there is only one way into heaven, through Jesus Christ (see John 14:6). The entrance was on the east side, which meant one had to pass through the camp of Judah to get in. (Jesus’ genealogy was from this tribe.) From the outside, the Tabernacle wasn’t particularly attractive, but the inside was adorned with ornate hangings and gold. Isaiah prophesied of Christ that “there was nothing beautiful or majestic about his appearance, nothing to attract us to him” (Isaiah 53”2). But Jesus’ life and nature are pure and divine and life-giving. The only light source in the Tabernacle, the golden lampstand, also pointed to Christ, who said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). Across from the lampstand was a golden table holding the Bread of the Presence, which pointed to Jesus, who is the Bread of Life (See John 6:35).”


1.Do #1, 2 and 3 from the survey format (Author – Audience – Purpose for the book)

2.Read chapters 1 through 16 and write out representative titles for each chapter

3.Advanced: Write a 3-5 sentence summary, or bullet list, for the content of each chapter


Chapters 1-16 describe various “ritual” regulations

Chapters 17-27 focuses on ethical commands (often referred to as the Holiness Code)

Note: We see a constant calling of the Israelites to “ritual” purity because the LORD was reminding them of their need to seek moral purity – all of this is related to the understanding (or misunderstanding) of God’s holiness – thus the reason they could not enter the “Tent of Meeting” where the Glory of the LORD resided at the end of Exodus.

Things to focus on while reading and studying Leviticus:

1.Remember God’s character (example, Exodus 34): Compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and truth; forgiving, righteous, fair and just.

2.The people could not come before the LORD’s presence and see His full Glory because of their sinful nature in contrast to God’s perfect HOLINESS, and we must understand the importance of God’s HOLINESS!

3.Because God is holy, righteous and just He cannot let sin go, therefore we find the Laws focusing on “clean” = holiness, versus “unclean” = sinfulness (we also see God’s perfect knowledge of disease prevention and proper hygiene).

4.Note how the entire book of Leviticus is a picture, or foreshadowing, of Jesus (JF), who He would be and what He would do, and demonstrates God’s temporary way to cover sin. Jesus is the permanent and final solution to the problem of sin, as He fulfills the Covenant and Genesis 3:15 Promise to defeat death and Satan, and is to be the only mediator (Priest) between us and God.

Cross-reference reading in the New Testament: Hebrews 9:1-28; and 10:1-25

Importance today:

  • We are not under the Law, or these rituals and regulations, because all has been fulfilled in Christ Jesus (Hebrews 9 and 10); however, studying these laws point to the different aspects of the meaning of Jesus’ sacrifice.
  • The Holiness Code shows us the importance of sanctification as we live out our Christian lives (the emphasis on God’s holiness and His holy expectations of His people).
  • Worship of the LORD should be wholehearted, demonstrating complete devotion and reverence; and those called to leadership, such as these priests, bear a heavy responsibility.
  • Leviticus shows us that humans, by themselves, can never achieve complete purification from sin because atonement is a gift of grace from God, through Jesus.

Join us next week as we continue our “Case for Christianity” Studies!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

Click into the resource page of this website to view many of the top Christian thinkers and apologists along with some of their work; connecting to these types of resources is essential in your Christian growth.

Please let me know what you think: Give feedback, ask questions or send concerns in the comment section of the blog.

Teri Dugan


1 Peter 3:15

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