A Case for Christianity: Examining A Problem In Public Education

This week we are examining, from a Biblical Christian perspective, one of the many problems in the public educational system today. A careful look at most public schools will reveal that reading, writing, and math are not the main focus anymore as they should be. Having taught in this system for over thirty years, I saw a subtle shift begin in the curriculum focus across most fields of study that seemed to coincide with the lowering of academic expectations and student discipline standards. There was a definite social agenda in view as evidenced in the teacher inservices and training workshops I attended. No longer was the educational system adult centered in the sense that teachers were making and enforcing policies and curriculums for the best learning outcomes, but it was increasingly student centered where student feelings, experiences and desires became a priority. At first glance this shift in focus seems admirable and equitable, but in reality this is a shift that would hurt students for years to come. Study after study has shown that the adolescent brain is not capable of making rational and realistic decisions, especially concerning their ever-changing feelings, desires, and actions, let alone dictating standards in policies and curriculums.

One of the consequences of this shift is the wide open choice of reading and viewing materials now available to students on just about any topic, including identity, sexuality, and violence, and this can be accessed without parental approval or appropriate adult guidance. There had always been in place a standard of “age appropriateness” for certain materials, but that has gone by the way side in almost all pubic school districts. Those who oppose this open access are often accused of  “book banning” but that is simply not the case. Books should not be banned, but they should be age appropriately available, just like the rating system for movies, and that is what is being argued here (by the way, any of these so-called “banned books” can be found at any bookstore, so they are not being banned). It is my personal belief that much of the anxiety and depression adolescents are experiencing today can be directly related to the exposure of sexually charged material in the curriculum, including violence.

Alisa Childers, one of my favorite Christian Apologists, addresses this problem and other cultural issues on her weekly show where she regularly interviews experts in various fields of study. This week I wanted to share her interview with Pastor Gary VanRiper on the topic of public schools and the problem we are facing today with the availability of graphic materials. Here is the introduction from the YouTube presentation:

“From children’s books to adult novels, many Christians are unaware that their local public school students have access to indoctrinational materials and graphic sexuality. Pastor Gary VanRiper joins the podcast to share about how Christians can be effective in arguing for the removal of pornographic material that is now available in most public school systems. Gary gives an overview of the history of how these materials became available for students, and gives a step by step formula for how he has personally been successful in helping to remove over 150 books from his local district.”

Watch Alisa’s interview on this topic:

Alisa Childers

Alisa Childers is an excellent source for all kinds of topics in Christian Apologetics. With interviews and insights from experts in various fields, you can trust that Alisa is going to present topics from a Biblical Christian Worldview. She specializes in “progressive Christianity” because her story is one of coming out of that deception. Her book, “Live Your Truth, and Other Lies – Exposing Popular Deceptions that Make Us Anxious, Exhausted and Self Obsessed” is very insightful, culturally relevant and perfect for anyone seeking truth in a mixed up world today, I highly recommend reading it!

From her bio at alisachilders.com:

“As a lifelong church-goer, follower of Jesus, and former CCM recording artist with the Dove award-winning group ZOEgirl, I experienced a period of profound doubt about my faith in my mid-thirties. I felt as though I had been tossed in a stormy ocean of uncertainty with no life jacket or  lifeboat in sight. I didn’t know where to find answers to my questions, or if answers existed at all. Did I have to accept it all on some kind of blind faith?  I began to investigate my faith intellectually—I took seminary classes and read everything I could get my hands on. This began my  journey from  unreasoned doubt into a vibrant, rational, and informed faith.”

I encourage everyone out there to do your part in defending the faith against false assumptions and accusations whether on social media or in the home; at your Church or in the schools; at your job or on the streets. Whatever you do stay strong in the LORD and own your faith, know what you believe and why you believe it, then tell others.

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. Colossians 2:8

A Bible that’s falling apart, usually belongs to someone who isn’t!” 


Bible Study Survey Format

1. Author: Who wrote the book and when?
(Include anything you can find about the author and when it was written)
2. Audience: Who was it written to?
(Include anything you can find about the people, the culture or societal norms, of that time period)
3. Purpose: Why was it written?
(Include anything you can find about their circumstances and what was, or had been, going on in their world at that time)
4. Content: What is in each chapter?
Read the book chapter by chapter, and then choose to one or all of the following: Basic:  Write out chapter by chapter titles.

Going Deeper: Add a short summary under your titles, 3-5 sentences.

Advanced: Look for these things to put in your summary notes:

a. Is there anything in this chapter that relates to one of the Covenants (Adamic, Abrahamic or Mosaic)?

b. Where’s Jesus? Is there anything in this chapter that foreshadows/pictures Jesus?

c. The Shelf: Note any questions or a’has you have about the chapter.

5. Application:  Always done last, after the content of the book is complete.
Discuss:  How does this book apply to us today? Are there lessons learned; are there reasons we should know this history; does it help us understand God’s character and love for His people and His foreshadowing the promise of His Son? Other comments…


The book of Joshua

Since we are taking a summer break from our regular class study, I encourage you to continue on in the history of the Nation of Israel from our last study in the book of Deuteronomy. Using the class format above, go through this book at your own pace, or with a partner or small group. The book of Joshua continues the history of this faithful generation under the leadership of Joshua, who has taken over for Moses, as they enter and begin the conquest of the Promised Land that God had given to Abraham centuries before.

Homework options:

1)  Using the Bible study format continue on through the Old Testament history with the book of Joshua – going at your own pace, but make daily reading the goal.

2)  Get the “Daily Audio Bible” App and follow their daily readings in either a regular format, a chronological format or use their kids daily reading and study with your kids! Become part of their prayer community and interact as a prayer warrior for people around the world, or just be a silent partner with them, it’s free!

Continue to join us each week for more Christian Apologetics!


You will not find this material in the public school curriculum even though it is based on solid evidence and grounded in research. It is ironic that following the evidence to where it leads stops at the door of our public schools as they will not let a “Divine footprint” in!  Join us as we examine evidence for Christianity and learn how to become a thoughtful defender and ambassador of your faith.

Click into the resource page of this website to view many of the top Christian thinkers and apologists along with some of their work; connecting to these types of resources is essential in your Christian growth.

Please let me know what you think: Give feedback, ask questions or send concerns in the comment section of the blog.

Teri Dugan


1 Peter 3:15

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