Category Archives: A Case for the Bible

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the transmission of the Bible when practicing Christian Apologetics – Part 2 The New Testament

Last week we looked at the transmission of the Old Testament from the time of Moses to today, roughly a 3500-year period. The New Testament has a shorter transmission timeline, yet it comes under attack by skeptics more than the Old Testament. Could that have anything to do with Jesus being a major part of… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the transmission of the Bible when practicing Christian Apologetics – Part 1 The Old Testament

Even if you are a skeptic, or you don’t believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, you have to admit that it is very intriguing to find an ancient document such as the Bible surviving thousands of years with minimal damage to its reputation and content. There is no other book of… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding basic literary and historical facts about the Bible when practicing Christian Apologetics

This week we are continuing with making a case for the Bible by looking at some of the manuscript evidence over the next few weeks from our M category in the acronym MAPS-S. Just think, the Bible (and narrative from the books therein) has been the subject of hot debate for roughly the last two-thousand years,… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of case making using the acronym MAPS-S when practicing Christian Apologetics

Reasons to Investigate In session one we took a quiz on Biblical literacy. How well did you do? If you struggled with it, even if you are a “long time” Christian, you are not alone. As we have seen from the statistics Biblical literacy is at an all time low, even among professing Christians. Muslims… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of understanding the Bible’s “big picture” when practicing Christian Apologetics

We have started a new series called “A Case for the Bible” and we spent the past few posts on introductory information. This week we want to take a look at the importance of getting the big picture first before building our case for the Bible. A lot of people, including many Christians, do not… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of spending daily time with God’s Word when practicing Christian Apologetics

Apologetics does not mean to say you’re sorry. It is derived from the Greek word “apologia” meaning to give a defense. Therefore, Christian Apologetics provides a reasoned defense for the beliefs of the faith, including a high level of confidence in the truths of the Bible. Over the past few posts we have presented an… Continue Reading

A Case for the Bible: The importance of knowing “about” the Bible, and how to study it, when practicing Christian Apologetics

Last week we looked at some alarming statistics concerning Biblical illiteracy in our culture today, even among practicing Christians. Developing a Biblical worldview takes time and practice. Knowing the Bible is a lifetime commitment and part of what we should desire as we grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus. How much time do… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: A Case for the Eyewitnesses of Jesus

I often hear skeptics and atheists say things like, “the Bible is the same as all the other ‘holy books’ that tell mythological stories.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Upon close examination one will find that the Bible is mainly written as an historical narrative by eyewitnesses, or are documentations of eyewitness accounts,… Continue Reading

Case-Making 101: Science and saved lives – how the Bible speaks authentically

In making our “Case for Christ” we are looking at evidence for the reliability, historicity and inerrancy of the New Testament. Using the acronym MAPS-S our case can be made based on five categories of Biblical evidence: From the last two posts: 1. Manuscript evidence includes over 25,000 early New Testament documents with which textual critics can… Continue Reading